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If you mean that you want to know if Sims neighborhoods can switch computers and still have all of the Sims without downlaod, then your answer is:NO. You have to re-download, and you'll lose all of your sims. And, if you leave your sim game somewhere for over a month and don't play it, then when you go on again, your sims are gone. (It happened to me before)

There another option but its risky and im not sure if it will 100% work if you access the files saved(on the disk) on your old computer and look around it should say something like saved games if you copy and paste the selected save game on to a usb stick, install the game on your new PC and copy and paste in the saved game folder in the folder in which it installed in off the usb, this might work but if it doesent and the game goes corrupt no probs just uninstall the game and renstall it again.

I hope this helps please get back to me about how it goes-louis987

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