Lynx, Styx ,Spry Phthalate, Physics, Psychology, etc
Lynx, Spry, Physics, and Psychology don't have four consonants together. The "y" in each one is a vowel, as it is in Styx, which isn't a word, but a proper name.
Phthalate is good, but a simpler word with four consecutive consonants is "worldly."
fuaghtauoa - an african/english word to describe a good fighter its an adjective
Four Letter Words in Christmascats castcisthatshissmassmastmatsmissmistrichstarstirtrim
Four letter words ending with Y:AblyAchyAwayAwryBodyBonyBrayBuoyBuryCityClayCloyConyCopyCozyCrayDenyDoryDozyDrayDutyEasyEnvyFlayFrayFreyGoryGrayGreyHazyHolyJuryLadyLazyLevyLilyMiryNaryNavyNosyOilyOkayOnlyOozyPinyPityPlayPloyPonyPosyPrayPreyQuayRacyRelyRosyShaySlaySpaySpryStaySwayTidyTinyTonyTrayTroyVaryVeryWaryWavyWilyWiry
The automatically given letters are s l t n r and the vowel e The contestant then chooses 3 additional consonants and another vowel, except contestents with a wild card who choose four consonants and another vowel R S T L N E
There is no Hebrew word for tetragrammaton. This is a Greek word for the four consonants that make up the Hebrew name of God. In Hebrew, the four consonants are used instead of the word "tetragrammaton." Religious Jews don't even pronounce the names of the letters together, and will refer to the letters as Yod Ke Vav Ke. Instead of the real names for the letters.
A word with 2 vowels and 5 consonants could be "strength." This word has the vowels "e" and "i" and the consonants "s," "t," "r," "n," and "g." It follows the pattern of one vowel followed by one consonant, and this sequence repeats until all the letters are accounted for.
The word has four letters. All except "a" are consonants, or 3 out of 4. That means that 3/4 of the letters in that word are consonants.
There are 5 consonants in the word "gravity" - "g", "r", "v", "t", and "y".
Two, f and r.
There are FIVE constanants in the word Yoghurt. YoGHuRT. O and U are vowels.
schlemiel, schmaltzy, phthalein
Four. (Counting y as a vowel.)
"Crash" has four consonants and one vowel. The "A" is the vowel.