murkrow is dark and flying and hoothoot is flying(it could use physcic type moves) i personally prefer murkrow cuz it's a bit stronger when evoled into honckrow and lots of hp.
To evolve a murkrow you need to use a dusk stone on it.
Hoothoot evolves at level 20.
At Level 20 Hoothoot evolves into Noctowl.
Hoothoot evolves into Noctowl at level 20.
Hoothoot cannot learn gust.
starly,staravia,staraptor,murkrow,honchkrow,chatot,hoothoot,noctowl,wingull,and pelipper
Murkrow can only learn sky attack through breeding. Breed a female Murkrow with a male Spearow, Fearow, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Skarmory, Taillow, Swellow, Swablu, Altaria or Togekiss. See for more information.
To evolve a murkrow you need to use a dusk stone on it.
Murkrow can't learn it by levelling up. You'll have to use TM79 on it.
hoothoot knows how to use hypnosis
Dont use the place placer just go in and go to the area to the left you can find a murkrow there
hoothoot evolves into noctowl at level 25
Hoothoot evolves into Noctowl.
hoothoot evolves at level 20+
You can't Get HootHoot in Pokemon White Or Black you Just Have to use the Poketransfer and you have to send your hoothoot from your Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver if you have in there
Hoothoot evolves at level 20.
Hoothoot evolves at level 20.