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Definitely. It has owning attack and HP. The only problem is that it only attacks every other turn. But if you want power, evolve it.

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Q: Should you evolve a Vigiroth into a Slaking?
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How do you evolve vigroth?

You level it up until it's level 36. Then, it should evolve into Slaking.

Is the slaokth good emerald Pokemon?

Slakoth isnt good...either vigiroth or slaking would be better...and for different reasons. Slaking is great for a double battle (provided the other pokemon has skill swap, since slaking has high stats, but otherwise it is still one to get), vigiroth on the other hand has vital spirit instead, making it able to attack like other pokemons without being possible to fall asleep. So depending on the use, either would be better.

At what level do you evolves to slaking?

u dont slaking doesnt evolve. but a vigoroth evolves into slaking at lvl 32

When does Vigoroth evolve in HeartGold?

Vigoroth will evolve into a Slaking at level 36.

What does Vigoroth evolve into?

Vigoroth will evolve into Slaking when it reaches level 36.

What level does vigoroth evolve into slaking?

Slaking doesn't evolve as it is already at it's final stage of evolution. Slakoth evolves into Vigoroth at level 18 and then Vigoroth into Slaking at level 36.

What level does a vigoroth evolve?

36 into slaking

How does a vigoroth evolve into a slaking?

Vigoroth evolves at Lv.36.

How do you get slaking on your pokedex?

You can find a Slakoth in the middle of Route 104. From there, level it up to Lvl. 36 and it will evolve to a Slaking.

How do you get vigoroth?

In Pokemon Ruby, Vigoroth will evolve into Slaking at level 36.

When does vigoroth evolve in sapphire?

Vigoroth evolves at level 36, into Slaking.

What level does virogoth evolve?

At level 36 Vigoroth evolves into Slaking.