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yes,because it improves the thinking quality of student but not more then 2hrs...

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Q: Should students play computer games
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What will the students do to avoid the computer games?

To avoid students to play computer games.. they need to focus on other activities that is related to their interests .. for sure many students has their own interests not just computer games...

What are your ideas about students spending off school time playing computer games in computer cafes?

they dont they do work not play

Why did computer invented?

Why?To make students able to play games in class room. joking... haha.Where_and_how_was_the_computer_invented

What computer should you play large games on?

LG. I prefer that.

How do you play Wii games on your computer?

You can not play Wii games on your computer.

What should you download to play games on zwinky?

NOTHING! DONT PLAY! its a virus, and it ruined my computer!!!!!!

Why do students play computer games?

cuz they are not around their xbox or the wii or sumthin like dat but its more i play cumputer games im 13 and it clams me down and forget my troubles!!!

Should chidern be allowed to play computer games?

Yes, what else are children going to do?

What computer games should girls play?

Try RPGs like Oblivian and The Sims.

What kind of games should you play with the students while teaching junior students English?

I would use Mad Libs if I taught English (I teach Soc. Studies.) Also, If you have a LCD projector and computer there are some great Jeopardy templates for Powerpoint that you can download. --Jessica

How are video games and computer games different?

Computer games are games that you play on a computer.Video games are games that you play on a TV with a machine, such as the following:XboxWiiPS1, 2, and 3

Can you play games with Macintosh computer?

Games can be played on a Macintosh computer.