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beat the elite 4 and steven to get the ticket

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Q: SS Ticket Pokemon Ruby
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How do you get your dad to give you the ss ticket on Pokemon ruby?

Defeat Pokemon Leauge Champion then you wait to the credits finish then you automatically go back to your house then you go downstairs then your dad gives you a ticket.

Where can you find a ferry ticket in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire?

You can get two ferry tickets:The ticket for the SS Tidal is obtained by completing the Delta Episode.You can get the Eon ticket by Streetpassing someone with Pokemon Alpha Sapphire or Omega Ruby.

Where can you get an ss ticket in ruby?

You can't. Maybe an event.

What is the use for the SS Ticket on Pokemon Platinum?

There is no use for the SS Ticket in Pokémon Platinum.

Can someone give me the gameshark codes for the tickets on Pokemon ruby for visual Game Boy advance?

Master Code for Ruby: 0000B138000A 1003A82A0007 Eon Ticket: 82025CE40113 Southern Island Activation: 32026A5E0088 I am sure u dont want ss ticket code

Where do you go to use your ion ticket on Pokemon ruby version?

Go to slateport city or lilycove city and find the SS Tidal boat show the lady the ticket then choose southern island to reach an island where latios is.

How do you get a SS ticket in Pokemon raptor?

i dont know D:

Where do you find captin stern on Pokemon ruby?

In the area where the SS Tidal is.

How do you get the SS ticket in ruby?

i don't know about it. I think there's a guy that is fat named Mr.Bonker

What do you have to do after you have beeten the Pokemon league in soul silver?

You get the ss ticket from oak

Where do you get the SS ticket in Pokemon diamond?

You don't... that's how.Well I gots it

How do you get the boat ticket in Pokemon Platinum?

You don't need the boat ticket in Pokemon Platinum because it's the ticket for Luxury Liner SS Anne, which is not in the Sinnoh region.