You cant, you cant even switch. You probably want to do the Shield of Arrav quest; you need a partner for this quest. One of the two registers in one gang, the other, in the other gang.
Once you joined a gang, you can't quit it. So before joining, choose whether you want to join Black Arm, or Phoenix. The above is wrong. If you know the spell telegrab and you are on the Phoenix Gang you can use the spell to steel the 2 cross bows and give it to the Black Arms Gang. Then you can join the Black Arms Gang.
TO quit a gang (clan0 in runescape you have to click on the group of people on the bottom right and then click on leave clan chat If you mean the two rival gangs in Varrock, once you join one, you can't leave. To do the quest that requires you to get items from both gangs, the only option is to join with another player who joined (or will join) the rival gang. The above is wrong. If you know the spell telegrab and you are on the Phoenix Gang you can use the spell to steel the 2 cross bows and give it to the Black Arms Gang. Then you can join the Black Arms Gang.
When you start the quest Shield of Arrav, talk to the Phoenix gang leader. who is the Phoenix gang leaderYou need yourself and a friend one that's a member of one side and the other.
no. you need a partner from ether the black arm gang or the phoenix gang
Beside the chaos altar. You could also ask the tramp again he will tell you.
Once you joined a gang, you can't quit it. So before joining, choose whether you want to join Black Arm, or Phoenix. The above is wrong. If you know the spell telegrab and you are on the Phoenix Gang you can use the spell to steel the 2 cross bows and give it to the Black Arms Gang. Then you can join the Black Arms Gang.
The gang leader is yes.
once you have picked one side you cannot change you will have to get another person that hasn't chosen a side yet. The above is wrong. If you know the spell telegrab and you are on the Phoenix Gang you can use the spell to steel the 2 cross bows and give it to the Black Arms Gang. Then you can join the Black Arms Gang.
Only a phoenix gang recruit or member can have the Phoenix gang key, they get given it by the door guard.
They are both pretty much the same which ever one you choose you will need the other gang to help you, this goes with Hero's Quest in Members as well.
TO quit a gang (clan0 in runescape you have to click on the group of people on the bottom right and then click on leave clan chat If you mean the two rival gangs in Varrock, once you join one, you can't leave. To do the quest that requires you to get items from both gangs, the only option is to join with another player who joined (or will join) the rival gang. The above is wrong. If you know the spell telegrab and you are on the Phoenix Gang you can use the spell to steel the 2 cross bows and give it to the Black Arms Gang. Then you can join the Black Arms Gang.
When you start the quest Shield of Arrav, talk to the Phoenix gang leader. who is the Phoenix gang leaderYou need yourself and a friend one that's a member of one side and the other.
That's why you need someone form the opposite gang to help you out.
No. Once you are with one gang, you stay with it forever. Specifically, you can't join the other gang. Since you can't change gang, for two quests - a free-to-play and a member quest - you need to join with a player from the opposite gang. The above is wrong. If you know the spell telegrab and you are on the Phoenix Gang you can use the spell to steel the 2 cross bows and give it to the Black Arms Gang. Then you can join the Black Arms Gang.
You must have a friend, one goes to black arm gang and the other to the Phoenix gang. Look at and go to free quests on the left side for a complete guide.
The Phoenix Gang is located in Varrock, north of the dark wizards and stone henge but south of the Blue Moon Inn. You climb down a ladder in a little house to get into the Phoenix Gang's area.
You need another person who hasn't finished the quest yet to help you out. Each of you join a different gang and you each get a phoenix crossbow.