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There is a problem with that code the player starts running into the black and runs automatically

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Q: Run anywhere cheat of Pokemon diamond?
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Missingo in Pokemon Diamond?

If you have no Pokemon, and you (using the Action Replay) have the walk/run anywhere cheat, when you battle, you will sometimes send out the Pokemon Missingno.

What is a cheat to walk through walls on Pokemon platinum?

the cheat is walk anywhere or run anywhere

Is there action replay run anywhere Pokemon diamond?


What is the action replay code to run anywhere in Pokemon diamond?


Action replay run through anything cheat or glitch uses?

what is the action replay cheat on Pokemon diamond for run through anything

Can you get a mewto in Pokemon Diamond?

if your question is a normal game, no. but if there is an action replay. you can get him..... all the pokemon!. it is a cheat device that allows you to get 999 rare candys, get all the pokemon, 999 full restore, run anywhere, and many more codes as you can find.

I know there is a cheat for Pokemon diamond on the action replay to let you run anywhere but is it a code or already built in?

Yes, it is built in. But be careful with it because if you go too far in the mystery zone, the game will freeze.

Go throw a tree to get darkeri in Pokemon pearil?

no run right of fullmoon island with run anywhere cheat on an action replay

What does an actoin replay does?

it has codes that are already in so you can cheat in ds games for example for Pokemon pearl & diamond you have a cheat that you can walk or run any where you want.

What is the cheat on action replay for to run through walls on pokemon diamond?

well the code isn't on the internet stupid.

What are the Pokemon Diamond r4 cheats?

Here are the Pokemon diamond R4 cheats. Cheat 1. Get high Exp to level Pokemon (Hold R button after battle) Cheat 2. Run/walk through walls. Cheat 3. x999 items (press L+R button) Cheat 4. 999 master ball Cheat 5 999 rare candy cheat 6 press R and L to get 300 of any Pokemon

What legendaries can you catch in Pokemon Diamond?

dialga regigigas cressellia phione manaphy shaymin arceus giratina heatran uxie mesprit azelf In pearl u can catch palkia but not in diamond