Roblox is an online game that billions of people play, including me. There are thousands and thousands of different games in the app. Just something I would love to tell everyone: Never play games where they say they will give you pets or free Robux if you put in your password. I did that, and I was hacked of all my legendary pets in adopt me. It crushed me to find out about this. Not only did they steal my pets, but they also took my robux that I bought that day! Beware that there are many hackers and scammers in the game and just get robux the regular way. And in Adopt me, do not do any "fail trades" or "trust trades". Only do normal trades, and believe me, if you do it this way, you will be glad. Sorry I sent so much, but besides all this, ROBLOX is still the best online game that exists- in my opinion.
Roblox is a great game. Why are you asking that question?
Did your parents not let you play it?
IF your parents don't let you play Roblox,
THEN you don't know what noob means.
Yes it is an online game, but not many people play it because of there parents not allowing them to, sometimes Roblox is a bad game and inappropriate game
You have to get ROBUX and start playing
It is an awsome game everyone in the world plays. Duh
Hi it me again i think Roblox is better has its a friendly fun game :3 but for this game "Fortnite" It has killing in the game itself so i don't think it would be a good game for everyone
Builderman rarely ever plays Roblox. Hes just...there.
Yes. Kodi Smit Mcphee does:)
Yeah But It's For 10+ But 50% Of The Kids In US Plays Roblox So Now In Does Not Matter If Your Old Enough Or Not
I doubt she plays ROBLOX, if she does then I have no idea.
Hi it me again i think Roblox is better has its a friendly fun game :3 but for this game "Fortnite" It has killing in the game itself so i don't think it would be a good game for everyone
If you keep on practicing everyday on roblox, then there is a chance you will be improve and be a pro
It is a boy in a place on his xbox, tablet, phone, and laptop who plays roblox
Yes Ryan plays Roblox for almost a year now!
Builderman rarely ever plays Roblox. Hes just...there.
Anyone can.
He's a random person who plays ROBLOX. Why would you want to know personal information about that?
The abbreviation R.O.M.N.N. is the name of a Roblox player that plays the game online. What the abbreviation R.O.M.N.N. stands for is not stated online.
Yes. Kodi Smit Mcphee does:)
Yeah But It's For 10+ But 50% Of The Kids In US Plays Roblox So Now In Does Not Matter If Your Old Enough Or Not
!'The best'? Every person that plays Roblox is. There is no 'best'!