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you can get 900, rare candys if you have action replay. however, the action replay won't work on the dsi

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Q: Real 999x rare candy cheat for Pokemon platinum?
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What is the cheat code to get all the Pokemon at level no100?

Get an Action Replay and put the 999x Rare Candy cheat and level them up yourself in the game.

What is the REAL cheat for 999x rare candies on Pokemon platinum on action replay?

its under the 900 all medicine code (up+L+R)

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How do you get another masterball in Pokemon platinum?

There Is A Action Replay Code That Gets You 999x Master Balls.

100 master ball cheat in Pokemon firered?

Um Who told you that cheat is probably a lair but it is true for the 999X master ball cheat.

How do you get 999 rare candy without using action replay?

you could do it if could place cheats in your Pokemon pearl,diamond or platinum go to 4th one choose 999x rare candies it will work in a few minutes

Who do you put in the unlimited rare candy code?

There is no unlimited rare candy code for Pokemon. There is a 999x code for it. Just search for action replayer codes for Pokemon ( then game). Hope I helped

999 master ball cheat Pokemon platinum for DS?

It isn't on there already? Odd...There is a code for getting 999x every single type of Pokeball already on Action Replay DSi...Check again. It should be there!! wot is odd

What is the Action Replay cheat for 999x light balls on Pokemon diamond?

I would tell you the code but I dont know the code.

What is the cheat of masterball 999x Pokemon diamond?

94000130 fcff0000 b21c4d28 00000000 b0000004 00000000 00000f4c 03e70001 d2000000 00000000

Is there an action replay code for inappropriate stuff on Pokemon soul silver?

No, that would ruin the whole game, like having 999x rare candy, or "sturdinja."

999x rare candie cheat for soul silver?

use action reply for ds