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Whip out the lasso, hold the aiming button to ready it, and fire to throw it at something.

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Q: Read dead redemption How do you use lasso?
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How do you use lasso in a sentence?

i am about to lasso your mom.

How do you get a hogtie in red dead redemption?

Equip the lasso by completing one of bonnies missions.Lasso a personDO NOT let go of the lasso and approach the personPress Y (or triangle for PS3) to hogtie the personHAVE FUN!answer by punguawud

What are the lasso tools?

a lasso is a whip that cowboys used to use

How do you film on Red Dead Redemption?

Red Dead Redemption doesn't have a built-in recording feature for recording gameplay, but you can use a device connected to your television and console to record gameplay.

How do you get the red x's to come up on red dead redemption in dead eye?

If you want to be able to do this you need to complete the story missions on Red Dead Redemption and eventually you will unlock the higher levels of dead eye which allow you to use the X's.

Horsebrakeing missions on mc farlanes in red dead redemption?

If you are asking if there is one, then yes there is one. Just look on the map after you unlock horse breaking jobs. (You unlock them after Bonnie gives you the Lasso, and when you finish the mission she gives it to you) There are horse breaking jobs available to complete in Red Dead Redemption, but not at the MacFarlane's Ranch. There is a horse breaking job available at Ridgewood Farm and Chuparosa. There is also a story line mission call "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions" that involves breaking horses for the MacFarlanes, it is available at the beginning of the game. This is also were you acquire a lasso from Bonnie MacFarlane, you use this to hold the horses still while to mount them to break.