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My reaction is I feel so sad for Gloria because Mario left her and her child to go with Pablo because he lost his job.

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Q: Reaction of The World Is An Apple?
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Reaction about the The World Is An Apple?

my reaction in story is the good characters pablo and Mario

What is the action-reaction pair when the apple is on the table?

In this case there are two action-reaction pairs. 1. Earth attracts the apple, the apple attracts Earth. 2. The apple pushes down on the table, the table pushes up against the apple.

Is a browning apple core a redox reaction?

Yes, the browning of an apple core is a redox reaction. This process involves the oxidation of the compounds in the apple, such as polyphenols, which leads to the formation of brown pigments.

What happens when you mix hydrogen peroxide with an apple?

When hydrogen peroxide is mixed with an apple, it can react with enzymes present in the apple flesh to produce oxygen gas. This reaction can cause the apple to foam or bubble as the oxygen gas is released. It is not harmful to consume the apple after this reaction occurs.

Script of the world is an apple?

script of the world is an apple

What is the difference of world by the apple of the story of world is an apple by alberto florentino?

the apple is red

Why the apple and world are related?

the apple is round and the world is round. Phisically the world is more like an egg than a apple

Why is the title is The World Is An Apple?

because the world is like an apple that in the mean time apple is the best

Why is the title the world is an apple?

because the world is like an apple that in the mean time apple is the best

What is the action reaction pair involved when an apple falls to the ground?

The action is the apple exerting a force on the Earth due to gravity, causing it to accelerate downward. The reaction is the Earth exerting an equal and opposite force on the apple, preventing it from falling indefinitely.

You hold an apple over your head Identify all the forces acting on the apple and their reaction forces when you drop the apple identify all the forces acting on it as it falls and the corresponding?

When holding the apple over your head, the main force acting on the apple is the force of gravity pulling it downwards, with the reaction force being the apple exerting an equal force upwards on your hand. When you drop the apple, the only force acting on it is still gravity pulling it downwards, but now there is no reaction force as the apple is falling freely.

Is browning apple slice chemical or physical?

chemical reaction.