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you give the rare candy to hold to a Pokemon and put it in you PC and save then save again when it says to don't turn off power do

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Q: Rare candy code for Pokemon Yellow?
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Pokemon Yellow rare candy code?


What is the 999 rare candy code for Pokemon Yellow?

they don't have codes in old games

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You cannot get rare candy that way.

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Who do you put in the unlimited rare candy code?

There is no unlimited rare candy code for Pokemon. There is a 999x code for it. Just search for action replayer codes for Pokemon ( then game). Hope I helped

What is the cheat code for rare candy in Pokemon pearl?

Rare Candy X 999 (Action Replay Code)94000130 FCFF0000B21C4D2800000000B00000040000000000000DAC03E70032D200000000000000

Is there a gameshark code for having all of ash's Pokemon in your party for Pokemon red blue green and yellow?

No; in FR version, there is no level-up code. There is a code to get max Rare Candy codes, however.

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Gameshark code for pokemon emerald for rare candy?

Go to ign and search code

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rare candy code.