

Best Answer

This is Katy_90_123's Answer: Here is a hopefully better and improving answer. Go to the East of Jubilife city. Next, you end up in Route 203. Continue going East(To your Right) and you will meet a YoungsterBoy(He is with a Hat and a Red shirt). Next to him in both ways (Left & Right) There are 3 Patches Of Grass. Go to the one on the Left. Next go south(Down) 2 Steps. Use a PokeRadar and wait 'till a Yellow Spark is above the Patch Of Grass. You can't expect Ralts on your first spark. There will be a lot of bothers like Starly and Shinx but be patient ;cause that's how I got my Ralts. These are the Lv.'s Ralts is to be:3-4-5-6.(You have to have completed the Sinnoh PokeDex and have received the National PokeDex.By receiving the National PokeDex, see all the Pokemon in Sinnoh. Go Fly to Sandgem Town and go in Professor Rowan's Lab. Talk to him and then Professor Oak will come in. He will chat to Professor Rowan and do a lot of talking. Then Professor oak gives you the National PokeDex.) Hope this improved. :D Oh ya if you want another Pokemon adventure for free, go to

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Where to get ralts in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't catch ralts on Pokemon leafgreen or firered because ralts is a new hoen Pokemon so it won't be available in the kanto games. Hope this helps, The Dudiest Dude On The Planet

Where do you find a Ralts in Pokemon HeartGold?

Ralts is a swarming Pokemon at Route 34. You can also trade or transfer a Ralts from another game.

When does ralts evolve in Pokemon Platinum?

at lv 20 that is when ralts evolves

Ralts a Pokemon legend?

Ralts is not a legendary Pokemon. It's a common Pokemon that you can find in the grass, though it tends to appear rarely.

What do you do in white forest in Pokemon White?

You catch various Pokemon from 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th generation Pokemon games, eg happiny, ralts etc.

How do you get ralts in Pokemon Pearl?

Ralts can be found on Routes 203 and 204 with the PokeRadar.

How do you get ralts on Pokemon pearl?

Ralts can be found by using the PokeRadar on Route 203.

When does Ralts evolve in Pokemon Sapphire?

Ralts evolves into Kirlia at level 20.

Is ralts a good Pokemon?

ralts sucks until it evolves into gardevoir or galade and then its an amazing Pokemon and i personally recomend gallade.^

What Pokemon is number 29 in Pokemon emerald?


How do you get ralts with gardevorite in Pokemon y?

to get ralts with the gardevorite in pokemon y you have to go to the cafe soleil in luminose city (its the place next to where you get your hair colour and style changed) and trade Diantha a pokemon for her ralts the ralts is a female and is a leval five and knows only the move growl

How do you get a ralts egg on Pokemon pearl?

put two ralts or the evolved forms of ralts in the Pokemon daycare and if they get along just run around for awhile until your poketech daycare app says you have an egg then go get it from the daycare and it will have a ralts in it