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you don't want to use cheat codes! But i would try using...................... YOUR BRAIN!

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Q: Psp cheats for r type command?
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What is the password to get into video-gamer-cheats?

The code is gamer .cheats codes and then type you r game:

What are Simpson game psp cheats?

The Simpsons Game on the PSP is based on the popular TV series. A cheat for unlimited life for all characters is left, right, triangle, L, R, right.

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PSP Cheats Up,Down, Left,Right,O,O,L,R= Health U,D,L,R,Sq,Sq,L,R =Armor PS2 Cheats Up,Down, Left,Right,O,O,L1,R1= Health U,D,L,R,Sq,Sq,L1,R1 =Armor

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If you are using a Ps2,it means L1 and R1. If PSP in cheats L1 and R1 are the shoulder buttons.

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first go to select, then go to buy perks, then click on buy perks, then press L R select at the same time.

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in the player select screen press R a small screen should pop up and say SELECT ARENA

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there r no cheats

You need Cheats for svr08 on psp please help?

main menu and put in the following code. X-Circle-L-R-Up-Up-Down-Left by the kid Go to the main menu and enter the following code. Hardcore Championship -------------------psp----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Circle-L-R-Up-Up-Down-Left by the kid

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for psp you hold L+R+x

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it simple go to computer battle and type the cheat ok

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there r no CANYON DEFENSE cheats

Where do you put in the cheat codes on good game farmer?

there iz no such type of cheats they r makin u fool lol