cooler: 200 million
goku: 210 million
final form cooler: 50 billion
zenkai SSJ goku: 150 billion
anriod 17: 320 billion
android 18: 320 billion
android 19: 350 million
android 20 : 100 million
andorid 13: 160 billion
Super android 13: 2 trillion
spirit bomb SSJ goku: 50 trillion
kamicolo: 325 billion
imperfect cell: 1 trillion
andorid 16: 1.5 trillion
semi perfect cell: 20 trillion
super vegeta: 50 trillion
perfect cell (suprressed) : 1 quadtrillion
ultra trunks: 5 quadtrillion
LSSJ broly: 15 quadtrillion
cell (powered up): 10 quadtrillion
MSSJ goku: 10 quadtrillion
MSSJ gohan: 8 quadtrillion
tein (neo tri beam) : 15 trillion
cell (more powered up) : 20 quadtrillion
cell JR : 10 quadtrillion
SSJ2 Gohan : 15 sextillion
full power perfect cell: 20 quintrillion
Super perfect cell: 6 sextillion
battle worn SSJ2 gohan: 6 sextillion
father son kamehameha: 50 sextillion
buu saga
goku: 20 sextillion
pikkon: 20 sextillion
MSSJ goku: 2 septillion
pikkon no weghted cloths: 2.2 septillion
MSSJ2 goku: 4 million spetillion
Manjin vegeta: 4 million spetillion
SSJ goten: 65 billion
SSJ trunks: 70 billion
SSJ gotanks: 4550 quitrillion
Fat buu (surrprest) 5000 dectillion
super buu (full power): 5000 trillion dectillion
SSJ3 gotenks: 5000 trillion dectillion
mystic gohan: 10000 trillion dectillion
buutenks: 10000 trillion dectillion
SSJ3 Goku: 8000 trillion dectillion
buuhan: 20000 trillion trilloin trillion trillion trillion
super vegito: 500 million trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion
Yes. In cell saga piccolo is even stronger than goku when fighting with cell for the first time,so he must be stronger than frieza.
4- battle with Raditz 5- Saiyan saga 5- Frieza saga 11- android saga 11- cell saga 18- Majin buu saga 27- end of dbz
Kid Gohan Power Level Versus Frieza Henchmen : 1,500 (First Coming To Namek) Kid Gohan Power Level After Unlock Potential By Guru Versus Ginyu Force : 16,000(After Gurus Unlock Potential) Kid Gohan Power Level After Fighting Guldo : 11,500 (Losing Some Power Vs Guldo) Kid Gohan Power Level After Healing By The Senzu Beans : 27,000 (Healed By SenzuBean) Kid Gohan Power Level While Fighting Frieza (2nd) Form : 1,100,000(Maybe Enraged Or Full Power) Kid Gohan Power Level While Fighting Frieza (3rd) Form : 2,000,000 (Enraged)
14,000 during the beginning of the Namek Saga, 27,000 after Guru awakens his power, 650,000 when Piccolo is fighting Frieza, 4,000,000 during the Android Saga, 23,000,000 as a SSJ after training in the Time Chamber, 35,000,000 as a SJJ2 while fighting Perfect Cell, 33,000,000 at the beginning of the Buu Saga, 9,000,000 during the Baby Saga, 27,000,000 as a SSJ during the Baby Saga, 50,000,000 as a SSJ2 during the Baby Saga, and 72,000,000 as a SSJ during the Super #17 Saga.
In the Anime, the episode is "Transformed at Last". In the games, it's usually the final battle in the Frieza Saga if it counts 100% Frieza. If not, it's the second to last.
It didn't shown. The legitimate power levels stopped after Frieza Saga, because now they can mask thier power.
They became useless because of the ability to suppress and increase power levels. Also, after the Frieza saga and Super Saiyans came about; Power levels baca me fare to large to bother gauging.
I think he was dead because the Garlic Jr saga was a little after the frieza saga
dead. He got killed in the Frieza Saga by Vegeta
Complete the frieza saga then you will get cooler
Well, in the Frieza saga, he turns SS by rage cz of Frieza killing Krillin and Vegeta and almost killing Piccolo. BYBY FRIEZA!!!
beat the frieza saga
Yes. In cell saga piccolo is even stronger than goku when fighting with cell for the first time,so he must be stronger than frieza.
Frieza is stronger than turles because when he battles the z warriors and vegeta he transform that mada his power level to 12,000,000. And turles is about 600,000 after eating the fruit and goku need to turn super saiyan in namek saga to kill frieza. By: A.k.A.
saga 1 the frieza problem its about an infection that piosons buu, cooler, and cell. this increases their power and gives them simelarities to frieza. they cause havoc, but gohan, vegeta, trunks, abd piccohan have to fight. saga 2 the wetern Kai lila lila is a Kai and frieza's mother, who falls in love with goku and create a baby with many simalarities to goku saga 3 xicer lila's son xicer tracs goku down and fights the z fighters, but gets attacked by goku ss5.
bulma and vegeta meet near the end of frieza saga
vegeta gave it to him during the frieza saga