The reason why Brock left Professor Ivy is because the creators of the show has to make up an excuse to bring Brock back, so the was never an answer to why he left. So the viewers had to make up there own theory for an answer. Most people say he was dumped, this is because Misty says something like "he probably got dumped." My theory is Brock found Professor Ivy to be very weird and freaky, so whenever he hears her name he gets all freaked out, but it's only a theory, there is no real answer for why Brock left and was freaked when hearing the name Ivy. It was just so then the creators of Pokemon could bring Brock back.
Professor Ivy dumped him. Misty mentions it briefly before being cut off by Brock in a later episode.
they got paralyzed by vileplume stun spore go talk to nurse joy and only prof ivy will recover...
Maybe Nurse Joy or Holly or Autumn,but definitely not Professor Ivy!
There is none
Professor Oak told Ash to get the GS ball and met Tracy. Ash entered the orange league and won then went back to prof oak and Brock stayed there with a professor called Ivy. Ash gave him the GS and Tracy was fascinated to see prof oak and wanted to stay with him
Professor Ivy dumped him. Misty mentions it briefly before being cut off by Brock in a later episode.
they got paralyzed by vileplume stun spore go talk to nurse joy and only prof ivy will recover...
Maybe Nurse Joy or Holly or Autumn,but definitely not Professor Ivy!
There is none
Professor Oak told Ash to get the GS ball and met Tracy. Ash entered the orange league and won then went back to prof oak and Brock stayed there with a professor called Ivy. Ash gave him the GS and Tracy was fascinated to see prof oak and wanted to stay with him
Professor Ivy
The Pokemon Center.
Youneed to talk to Nurse Joy in the nearest Island, she will go help them.
She's not in the game. The only two professors in the games of Heart Gold and Soul Silver are Professor Elm and Professor Oak. Sorry to burst your bubble.
If you're playing on a cartridge, then there is no way to get into Professor Ivy's lab. Don't worry about it, though, you don't NEED to go into the lab to progress onward in the game.
If you're playing on a cartridge, then there is no way to get into Professor Ivy's lab. Don't worry about it, though, you don't NEED to go into the lab to progress onward in the game.
He leaves at around 80-84 to stay and help Prof. Ivy at the end of Indigo league. After the orange island league Ash goes home to find Brock living wit his Mother, they then set out for Jhoto together in episode 119