Go To Pallet Town And Show His Sister A Pokemon Of Full Happiness A Minimun Of 5x And She Should Give You His Number And You Get To Re-match Him On Sunday Evenings About 8ish Onwards!
he will be anwhere see him and you get his phone number when you talk to him
In order to get Blue's phone number, you will have to visit his sister, Daisy, in Pallet Town. From 3 PM (15:00) to 4 PM (16:00), she will be offering massages for Pokemon. Have her massage one of your Pokemon for 5 days, and once the fifth massage is complete, she will give you Blue's phone number. NOTE: she will only give one massage a day.
There are a variety of things you can do. You can get Janine's phone number in the Mt. Silver entrance. You can also go to the top of Mt. Silver and battle Red.
The phone number of the Little Silver Public Library is: 201-747-9649.
you can go really early in the morning to get her phone number and rematch her again
You must speak to daisy,his sister after getting 7 groomings from her to get blues phone number
he will be anwhere see him and you get his phone number when you talk to him
The phone number of the Rock And Blues Museum is: 901-605-8662.
The phone number of the Delta Blues Museum is: 601-627-7341.
The phone number of the River City Blues is: 601-883-0540.
The phone number of the Navasota Blues Alley is: 936-870-3331.
The phone number of the Chicago Blues Museum is: 773-828-8118.
The phone number of the Archie Edwards Blues Heritage is: 202-526-7539.
at pallet town in blues house on mondays their is a girl called daisy show her 7 Pokemon with max happiness
You can't get everybody's phone number.If this is to battle him again,you have to beat the elite four again.
The phone number of the Chicago Blues Museum Gallery is: 773-828-8118.
You cannot get Red's phone number. Red can be battled multiple times at Mt. Silver, and thus, you do not need his phone number. The whole point of the phone number is to battle him again.