There r 2 sides of it... But take a surf from cinnabar or fuchsia and itz on rout 20...itz a small island cave... If u surf from fuchsia, you only hav access 2 the right side of the cave, if you surf from cinnabar, you only hav access to the left side. I dnt remembr but i tink u get articuno from there along with seel and dewgong.
On Seafoam Islands.
cinnabar islands
You can't because there is no Pokemon Center in Seafoam Ilands.
seafoam islands. surf from cinnibar
second floor in the seafoam islands
in the seafoam islands in kantobottom of seafoam island
you mean seafoam islands the orange islands was exclusive to the anime. but the seafoam islands is south of pallet town.
On Seafoam Islands.
seafoam islands
Seafoam Islands
Seafoam Islands.
seafoam islands
its seafoam islands and its where you catch Articuno.
cinnabar islands
Inside Seafoam Islands.
In the Seafoam Islands