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i don't no. I didn't see it again. but i think you can.

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Q: Pokemon sapphire if you kill latias cant you find it again?
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Where can you find latias in Pokemon Ruby?

Latiasyou cant find latias in Pokemon ruby you can only find it in sapphire. in Pokemon ruby you get latios no, you get latias in ruby and latios in sapphire because of the colour, Latias is red means ruby,latios is blue so means sapphire. your right above me but you got it mixed up. No its latias in sapphire and latios in ruby trust me i took forever trying to catch latias in sapphire and i finally did.

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you cant. You can only catch it in Pokemon emerald, but, you cant catch latias in emerald.

Where the heak do you cacti latias on Pokemon ruby?

you cant, you can only get latios the blue one. the red one, latias is only gotten in sapphire. the blue one latios is found roaming around hoenn.

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you cant found it

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you cant catch latias or latios in diamond/pearl. you can migrate latias and latios from emerald, ruby, sapphire. in case you dont know, you get latias/latios at the end of the game and the mother tells you what color(red-latias/blue-latios) the guy on tv says. the hard part is to find it. it randomly appears any where on hoenn.

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Latias is a legendary pokemon, so you cant get an egg from either latias or latios, even though they have genders.

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no you cant. you catch spheal in Pokemon sapphire and snorunt in Pokemon ruby.

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you cant

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you cant

Can latios and latias have eggs in Pokemon?

It's impossible to breed latios and latias.

Where is Latios or Latias in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you cant. at least in leaf green