Froslass is an evolution of Snorunt. The Snorunt needs to be female and you need to use a dawn stone on it. A dawn stone can be found just to the left of the Survival Area using rock climb. Snorunts can be found on the snowy routes before Snowpoint city.
frosslass to get it get female snorunt and use dawn stone
You find it at night a lake acuity on Platinum if it is a female then give it a dawn stone for a frosslass.
In Pokemon Emerald, Frosslass is not obtainable due to the fact that it is only available in 4th/5th Generation. Sorry about that.
Ok, the only Pokemon that i know that can evolve with a dawn stone is a snorunt. it evolves into a frosslass. more l8r! -Vapo
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
frosslass to get it get female snorunt and use dawn stone
its a type of stone to evlove gardivoir to gallade and snornut to frosslass
use a dawn stone on a female snorunt
In the pokedex, that Pokemon is Frosslass. Basically if you've beaten Snowpoint gym you would know. But, if in the game, there is none. You should be able to(maybe I saw one in my game) see a faded Gengar above the TV Rotom is in.
You find it at night a lake acuity on Platinum if it is a female then give it a dawn stone for a frosslass.
A dawn stone will evolve a male kirlia and a snowrunt into a frosslass
You'll need to evolve a female Snorunt with a Dawn Stone.
Male Kirlia-Gallade Female Snourunt-Frosslass
Glaceon and Frosslass are the only non-legendary Pokemon that you have to do something special to obtain. Glaceon evolves from Eevee when it is leveled up next to the Ice Rock in Route 217. Frosslass evolves from a female Snorunt when a Dawn Stone is used on it.
In Pokemon Emerald, Frosslass is not obtainable due to the fact that it is only available in 4th/5th Generation. Sorry about that.
Kirlia (male) Evolves to Gallade and Snorunt (female) Evolves to Frosslass.