NO. Pokemon can hold pokeballs, items, mail, tm's, berrys but not key items.
no at least i havent seen or heard of it i would look for the Pokemon cheats and see if it comes up
dont listen to this idiot, either =.=" you can use poksav. to delete keys items. and so on.
you can't delet key items in any Pokemon games.
You can only get the secret key in Pokemon Platinum
platinum is coming to America in 2009 ask someone in japan
998 items you can hold
no at least i havent seen or heard of it i would look for the Pokemon cheats and see if it comes up
I thought that there was unlimited space for key items. How many items do you have and how many more key items do you need?
no you can't let Pokemon hold key items
No you can't trade key items. A Pokemon can't hold a key item.
you can get 16 key items in Pokemon platinum.
No. Pokemon can't hold key items, and all of the needed items are key items.
dont listen to this idiot, either =.=" you can use poksav. to delete keys items. and so on.
I will be your friend, go to pal pad in your key items and register my code, its '3567 0614 7227'
No, key items, of which the Super Rod is one, cannot be held by Pokemon.
Pokemon event
In Pokemon Platinum you dont get the key from a grunt you get from the detective, before getting the key you have to go talk to prof. rowan in the library .