near the safari zone but if u use a super rod in water you can get Pokemon from lvs 40-50! Try and catch a Kingler because they know a one hit ko move called guillotene.
You'll need to evolve it from Slugma at level 38.
You can find Carvanha with the PokeWalker on the Warm Beach path. Just level it up from there.
In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, you can find Articuno in the Seafoam Island cave. There is a small series of puzzles you have to solve, but eventually you'll get to Articuno which is at level 50
You can find it in Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon HeartGold, and Pokemon SoulSilver.
Find and then catch
you cant find him you have to level a pineco up to level 31 then it will eveolve
find a place that has wild Pokemon the same level as it.
You'll need to evolve it from Nincada at level 20.
You'll need to evolve it from Slugma at level 38.
Level balls are only available in Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heartgold, and Soulsilver.
You can find Carvanha with the PokeWalker on the Warm Beach path. Just level it up from there.
In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, you can find Articuno in the Seafoam Island cave. There is a small series of puzzles you have to solve, but eventually you'll get to Articuno which is at level 50
After you obtain all the Kanto Gym Badges, it will appear outside the Power Plant. It will be at level 50.
Evolve a Kirlia at level 30 for Gardevoir. You can find Ralts swarming on Route 34.
Theres some level 4 and 7 pikachus in the Viridian ForestViridian forest
You can't find registeel in Pokemon HeartGold.
Headbutt trees. You can find Level 2-3 ones easily in New Bark Town.