The rocket launch is just a creative way to know how many weeks it has been since you started your game. So, you would have to wait 100 weeks, or just under 2 years.
go to mosdeep city go to the rocket station when the guy says this was succesfull flight 100 he will say again do you want go to space say yes it,s a one chance opurtunity i cliked no by a mistak waaaaaaaaa
The highest levels for pokemon is 100.
the TM 10 in emerald is hidden power. te attack power varies among different Pokemon. accuracy:100 pp:15
You get the symbol and 100 BP
To get the rocket to launch 100 times fast in Pokemon Emerald you will need to use a cheat device or wait 100 weeks. It should be noted that nothing special will happen when the rocket launch counter reaches 100. The 100th rocket launch was a popular source of rumors along with the white rock at the station.
yes. You know the space center in mossdeep city or something? You go in and there will be aguy talking about rocket launch No. 100 or something like that. You talk to him every day until he says rocket launch No. 1. When that happens, you will get on the rocket to space. Then, you will get a chance to catch deoxys.
if you are trying to get deoxys, then you can't get it by 100% launch. you need to get a item in an Nintendo event
no. the # of launches is actually the # of real weeks since the start of the game. (launch one = week one, not a weeks worth of playing)
I asume you can get deoxys...
yes, you do. or wait till launch 50, im not sure if it is 50 or 100. Good luck! :)
to get the rocket luanch up to 56 or 100 wait lotsa days i think each launch goes up by one every day or 2
go to mosdeep city go to the rocket station when the guy says this was succesfull flight 100 he will say again do you want go to space say yes it,s a one chance opurtunity i cliked no by a mistak waaaaaaaaa
People say that you can get to the moon by flying on Rocket 100, but I don't really think you can get to the moon. Jarachi is supposedly on the moon.
a guy will tell you that 50 or 100 successful rocket launches the guy will ask you if you want to ride a rocket say yes you will get launched to the moon go up and theres dioxes
Level 100.
You can't. It's only on the Japanese Version and if you are playing that version, you need 100 rocket launches. If you want to know, I think you have to wait for 100 weeks or something, all I know is these rumors are FAKE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THEM IT'S JUST A WASTE OF TIME! Sources = Youtube videos.