You can email the people behind Pokemon at You need to be polite, and check to see if your question has already been answered first though. Take the time to read the guidelines on before writing, and you will be more likely to get your question answered. They won't send individual responses, but they will post pertinent answers to their site.
I tried looking it up myself! Actualy you have to get the "Ganz" email address instead it's:
For questions or general concerns, the email address for the video game company EA would be A letter could also be mailed to the secretary in Redwood City, California.
You email the signed permission to the company. There email address is at the bottom of the permission slip.
Club Penguin is a company. They don't have "a real email address." Each employee would have a distinct email address. Their contact page is in the related links section. That's probably the best way to get in touch with someone there.
The e-mail address of Pokemon's company is
Well, you could try using a company email.
You can email the people behind Pokemon at this address: They won't answer personally though, they will post the answer on their site if it is appropriate. You might want to visit to look for the answer to your question and see if anyone has asked the same thing first.
What is the address for American broadcasting company in Ny
Get their email address and send an email it is the same everywhere.
A hostname in an email address appears after the @ symbol, like The hostname is always the company or group that handles that email address.
what is an email add. of suzuki motor company
no where
Write it down, draw it, or email it to the Pokemon Company
Most companies like Nintendo or the Pokemon franchise have a company website where you can find a contact page with the information that you need.