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For Pokemon Silver the main legendary Pokemon you can capture is Lugia, which you need a Silver Feather for it (It should be given to you after you save Goldenrod City from Team Rocket) Lugia is in the Whirl Islands at level 40, so better you not use a masterball.

Ho-oh is a legendary Pokemon which you need a Rainbow Feather for it (You get it a bit after you get the silver feather) I'm not sure when but Ho-oh is in the Sacred Tower in the city you get your fourth badge, the ghost-type gym leader, Ho-oh is lv 70 .

Entie, Raikou and Sucine are all level 40 and they're all wild so you can randomly run into them but they wont fight, expect maybe Sucine. They will run but if you weaken them, they will have that amount of health when you see them again. For Sucine, at one point of the game you have to either capture it or defeat it. I suggest catching it and trading it into another game that you have, instead of defeating it.

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Q: Pokemon Silver version legendary Pokemon
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There are 5. Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Ho-oh, and Lugia.

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in gold there are lots of different types also the legendary pokemon moltres plus trainer blue

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The Pokeathlon isn't in Pokemon Silver version.

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The Legendary is Lugia it can be found in whirl islands

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it helps you go back in your game if you didn't catch a legendary Pokemon

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Moltas: the fire legendary bird Pokemon the second strongest bird Pokemon

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the only legendary that you can breed is manaphy. and that will result in a phione.