how to evolve golbat in platinum.. how to evolve Scyther in platinum. how to evolve electabuzz in platinum. how to evolve magmar in platinum.
level up your GOLBAT with high happiness.
Golbat will evolve if it has max friendship with its trainer which means it can evolve at any level.
Go to most caves and you can find a Zubat or Golbat which usually have that ability.
Mean Look is not a TM in any of the Pokemon games. It is a move that can be learned by Pokemon such as Golbat, and Crobat.
No you must give it vitamins,happyness, and massages
Of course it can, golbat evolves into crobat if the friendship between it and u is good.
level up your GOLBAT with high happiness.
Golbat will evolve if it has max friendship with its trainer which means it can evolve at any level.
you must train your golbat to maximum happiness
Try Golbat. They're everywhere.
Go to most caves and you can find a Zubat or Golbat which usually have that ability.
Mean Look is not a TM in any of the Pokemon games. It is a move that can be learned by Pokemon such as Golbat, and Crobat.
u have to raise it's happiness.
No you must give it vitamins,happyness, and massages
Goldbat evolves into crobat with friendship, just like togepi
they are in caves