Trophy Garden at level: 22, 24 Route 209 at level: 16 Route 210 (South) at level: 18, 20
You can't mine underground in either Pokemon Heartgold or Soulsilver, but you can mine underground in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum.
Whats your name and friend code on platinum mine isDakota And 4170 0746 8599
Oreburgh Mine - Bulbapedia - Bulbagarden
the mine museum in oreburgh city
u need to level it up while it knows mimic
You can't mine underground in either Pokemon Heartgold or Soulsilver, but you can mine underground in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum.
Whats your name and friend code on platinum mine isDakota And 4170 0746 8599
In the oreburgh mine this goes for pokemon diamond pearl and platinum
Oreburgh Mine - Bulbapedia - Bulbagarden
you dig them up in the under ground mine
It is one of the pokemon that sometimes appears in the Trophy Garden. See Related Link for details.
Roark is the gym leader. You can find him in the mine at the lower end of the town.
the mine museum in oreburgh city
u need to level it up while it knows mimic
In Pokémon Pearl, you can find Mime Jr. in the Trophy Garden but it's very rare.
on the action replay code maniger, click code junkies, then where is says Pokemon platinum , drag it to my code list