I think you get dojo registration if you are lucario rank beaten all makuhita dojo areas and um uh be at level 100
the final maze is unlocked after you beat primal dialga and complete the other mazes. You can recruit Jirachi, Suicune and Moltres in the final maze.
Articuno is in the Final Maze in Marowak's Dojo. You can also find many of the other ledgendaries there.
Card-jitsu shadow is a mystery that can somehow be unlocked in the dojo and I USED to know how to get there but after the card-jitsu party, I had no clue.
He won't come out.
You can't get the badge to the fighting gym. You can however, fight the dojo master. He is in Mt. Mortar. When you beat him, he will give you a Tyrogue.
Marowhack dojo.
You can't recruit any Pokemon at the Makukita Dojo.
get him/her to send you their team and go into the dojo and you will be able to use a new cave. go into there and fight his/her team.
beat the training mazes & final maze and find out..veronica
Well actually u can because on my game i got a gravler from team rumblerock and i did not hack or use A/R
keep evolving all your team members and keep training in marrowak dojo and in dungeons ecspecially
In the makuhita dojo, go fight team hydro. i did this many times and eventually got to level 100.
hes in final maze (go to marowak dojo after beating game ) on the b23f hes in final maze (go to marowak dojo after beating game ) on the b23f
trade teams allows you to fight the team you traded with in the marowak dojo explorer maze
it depends on which type u choose, but usually around 3 or 4
You have to beat Skarmory first, then go south of the Pokemon Square and either talk to the Makuhita or walk in the doorway.
Bonsly FirgurineBeat all the dungeons of Makuhita's Training Dojo south of Pokemon Square. When you finish your last dungeon, Makuhita will give it to you, and the figure will be outside your house the next morning.