This is a non-legendary team:
Charizard: Wing Attack, Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Blast Burn or Dig
Charizard is roughly the best non-legendary Fire-type Pokemon you can find in Pokemon Leafgreen. You get it from Professor Oak in the lab. For Dragon Claw you have to use TM02 and for Blast Burn you need to go to the old lady on Cape Brink. Charizard has a secondary Flying-type.
Dodrio: Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Steel Wing, Fly (if you need it, otherwise you're better off with something like Return)
Weird Pokemon, but it has good attack and speed, plus a good moveset. Evolves from Doduo which you find on that route to the right of Celadon City (Can't remember the name) at level 31. For Steel Wing you need TM27, for Fly you need HM02.
Jolteon: Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Hyper Beam
With awesome Special Attack and Speed, Jolteon is better than Raichu by several times. You get it at the top of the tall building in Celadon City. For Thunderbolt you need TM24, Shadow Ball TM30 and Hyper Beam TM15.
Lapras: Ice Beam, Surf, Body Slam, Sheer Cold, Thunderbolt
Not particularly good stats, but gets STAB for Ice Beam and can be powerful if you give it the right moves. You get it at the Silph Co. when trying to find Giovanni. For Thunderbolt you need TM24.
Aerodactyl: Rock Slide, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Earthquake
I know I've been hogging the Flying-type for a while, but this Pokemon is terrifying. With massive speed (Actually, the same as Jolteon, which is pretty massive on) it can outspeed most monsters you meet. The trouble is you get it quite late in the game - you get it only when you revive the fossil from the guy at the back of the Pewter Museum at the Cinnabar Lab. For Dragon Claw you need TM02 and for Earthquake you need TM12. For Rockslide go to the boy in the Rock Tunnel.
The sixth Pokemon should be whatever you see as a good Pokemon. I won't bother explaining this time, but in my opinion Golem/Victreebel/Vileplume/Nidoking/whatever Pokemon that evolve twice are good for the team.
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well my team is not finished yet but my final team for the elite 4 is probably gonna be Charzard Lv60 Raichu LV 57 Dragonite LV 59 Lapras LV 58 Arodactyl LV60 Hitmontlee/Polyrath The Best Pokemon Leafgreen Team is for a fact: With Legendaries Mewtwo, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Articuno, Zapdos, Gyarados/Snorlax Without Legendaries Dragonite, Tyranitar, Lapras, Jolteon, Gyarados, Snorlax/Hitmonlee
dark type Pokemon are said to be created after team rocket. some dark types are umbreon and tyranitar
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
Viridian City, Giovanni(Team Rocket Leader) is the Gym leader.
that's a stupid question yes if its strong enough