Most Pokemon can learn Cut. Some easy 4th Gens are Bidoof or Bibarel, Budew, and Pachirisu. A full list can be obtained at
your Pokemon CANT learn cut in ruby, sapphire or emerald. you have to trade a Pokemon that's holding the TM cut (from sinnoh region game, platinum, diamond and pearl) then take it off them and they can learn cut.
only Pokemon with sharp claws can learn the hm cut
No, it is not able to learn cut.
Grass Pokemon
most Pokemon can learn this, to name a few there are rattata, ratticate, sudowoodo etc and loads more.
your Pokemon CANT learn cut in ruby, sapphire or emerald. you have to trade a Pokemon that's holding the TM cut (from sinnoh region game, platinum, diamond and pearl) then take it off them and they can learn cut.
No Pokemon can learn Cut by level up.
Shinx cannot learn the attack Cut. If you need a Pokemon to Cut things with, simply catch a Bidoof. They are very common and can also learn Rock Smash.
only Pokemon with sharp claws can learn the hm cut
get Pokemon to level 20 then go to the Pokemon center heal your Pokemon the it will learn cut after you defeat the second gym leader
No, Palkia can only learn Cut, Surf, Strength and Rock Smash.
No, it is not able to learn cut.
Grass Pokemon
Almost any Pokemon can use cut. Your chimchar or turtwig can use it
most Pokemon can learn this, to name a few there are rattata, ratticate, sudowoodo etc and loads more.
these Pokemon can learn cut zigzagoon, torchic and its evolution nincada and many more