yes you go and suck your mums boobys then get a Pokemon with magma armor and put it in your team then it will hatch much faster than usual yes you go and suck your mums boobys then get a Pokemon with magma armor and put it in your team then it will hatch much faster than usual
No. Everyone in Pokemon DP just stands real close together when they talk.
dp what it tells u
A swarm
qual é o codigo do dp infinito
The time it takes for a Pokemon to hatch depends on the Pokemon itself, each different Pokemon will have a different step cycle - how many steps it takes for a Pokemon to hatch.
i don't think so.
You can use a cheat, or Nintendo WFC, but you cant catch it in diamond or pearl.
Stop cheating! Use your brain to win! That's why we have one to complete challenging things!
In any game of Pokemon, not just Diamond and Pearl, you either cheat to get him, which i wouldn't recommend, or wait for an event for mew. Mew is my favorite Pokemon!
You have to wait for an event if you don't want to cheat. Or you can get it on Pokemon ranch. Or if your friend has it, YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY TRY TRADING!
You have to cheat trust me if anyone says something about catchin palkia diaga and giratina and the statue it is crap i had a go and it didnt work
there are three shows and a lot of movies Pokemon dp Pokemon dp battle dimension and Pokemon dp galactic battles
well i don't really now if you can get aerodactyl in Pokemon dp or you could try
Platinum has more Pokemon 247 than DP and DP has the same amount of Pokemon 151
No. Everyone in Pokemon DP just stands real close together when they talk.