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to get more areas to walk in you need to use the pokewalker alot so you can collect more wats.

the more watts you collect the more places you go because before each walk it tells you how many more watts you need until you can get a new area to walk through.


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What route can you find a sneasel in the pokewalker?

The route to find a sneasel in the poke walker is called Icy Mountain Road. You need 30000 Watts to get the route. You also need to walk 3000 steps on the poke walker before being able to encounter sneasel on the route.

What is a j-walker in the street?

Jaywalkers cross or walk in the street or road unlawfully or without regard for approaching traffic.

Where is bidoof in poke park wii?

bidoof is in the medow zone , if you are at the first bridge leading to the second one do not walk on it , you need to walk up the long path leading near another waterfall and biddof should be there

Where do you get TM35 flamethrower in Pokemon HeartGold?

To get flamthorwer go to the route by MT silver and walk east frmio the poke center i belive you have to cut a tree to get to it good luck

What level does Lucario learn Aura Sphere in Pokemon HeartGold?

Lucario learns Aura sphere at level 37.I think the easy way to level up your lucario is if you can go to Mt.Silver train him or her there and if your lucario faints go to a place you know where your lucario can win and if you just have a riolu make your riolu like you then it will evolve only at the day time.To get it's happiness up have it walk with you,give it a soothe bell,go to rout 25 and talk to it and give it hair cuts too.NEVER lose in a battle or your riolu or lucario will be upset and if you have a poke walker put it in it and as you walk he or she will walk with you and it will get vary happy I hope this helped. :) :)i believe u can get one from the safari zone so i hav heard

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How do you get extra watts on poke walker?

all you need to do is shake it or walk around

How fast do Pokemon lvl up with a poke walker?

it depends how fast you walk or how long.If your Pokemon needs 762 exp walk 762 steps. et

What route can you find a sneasel in the pokewalker?

The route to find a sneasel in the poke walker is called Icy Mountain Road. You need 30000 Watts to get the route. You also need to walk 3000 steps on the poke walker before being able to encounter sneasel on the route.

Is walker a verb or not?

The word "walker" isa noun, "walk" is a verb.

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The poke mart is inside the poke center now. Right when you walk in.

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A baby walker is used for babies that are learning how to walk. The babies use the baby walker to hold onto while they learn how to walk before they can do so independently.

What is the poke walker for on Pokemon HeartGold and soul silver?

From the main menu you can put Pokemon in your PC to the pokewalker. As you walk, it gains experience points (exp) for your Pokemon. your Pokemon can pick up items on the way or you can find wild Pokemon

What Will A Dog Walker Do?

A Dog Walker will take your dog out for a walk and keep them company. The time and intensity of the walk will be determined by the age and health of the dog, to name just two factors. A dog walker steps in and helps when you are not capable to walk your dog on your own.

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Well, darling, the answer to your brain teaser "PAwalkRK" is quite simple. It's "Park." You see, you take the "PA" and "RK" out of "PAwalkRK" and you're left with "Park." Voilà, brain teaser solved!

Can chris angle walk on walker?

no but it is just a trick of the mind. no one can walk on water

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he will walk