A reversible word, or a word that is spelled the same forwards as it is backwards, is called a "palindrome." This term can also be applied to numbers or entire phrases.
The only letters that are the same when upside down are H, I, O, S and Z.And if it reads the same backwards as forwards, then the first and last letters must be the same, and the 2nd and 3rd letters must be the same.HIIHHOOHIOOISOOSZOOZOHHOOSSOOZZOIHHINo, I can't think of any!the answer is NOON...
A Palindrome
They read the same backwards and forwards.
Palindromes are phrases or words that read the same backwards, as they do forwards. You can work them into images with a bit of imagination.
Words that are the same forwards and backwards are called palindromes.
They are words that can be read the same way left and right. Properly spelled palindromes.
Palindromes are words or phrases that read the same forwards and backwards like level, civic and "Madam, I'm Adam."
It is called a semordilap which is backwards for palidromes. An example of a palidrome is kayak which is the same when read both forwards and backwards. An example of a semordilap is dog and G-d which use the same letters when read forwards or backwards but are obviously different words.
a word or number which read either forwards or backwards will bo the same a word or number which read either forwards or backwards will be the same race car
Yes. The phrases "Was it a cat I saw" and "Was it a rat I saw" are examples of palindromes. "Was it a car I saw" is not a palindrome.
It can be read the same way forwards and backwards.
If it can be read the same backwards and forwards.
No. It does not read backwards the same as it does forwards.