you have to find a white star and walk up to it and press the a button then you have to win the mini game to get it to the zoo
There are loads. Some of my personal favourites are: Animal Crossing Sims Animals Wild Horses Nintendogs Some others are: Animal Paradise Petz My Horse and Me Spore Creatures Pets Horsez /Dolphinz /catz /Dogz /Hamsterz Horse Life Zoo Tycoon for DS Purr Pals.
You can't sell animals in zoo world.
Zoo animals include nanny goats. Zoo animals include the Nile Alligator.
you get animals and feed them.....
You unlock the special animals after winning the awards. Chinese Alligator: You have to place all visitor items, all small items, all flora, all paths all visitor fences, and research all visitor items. Asiatic Black Bear: Place 15 animal exhibits and animal's overall animal happiness goes to 85. Przewalski's Wild Horse: Accumulated 700 visitors in the zoo. Albino Gorilla: Zoo Rating goes to 100. Grevy's Zebra: Number 25 animals they are healthy. Sumatran Tiger: Provide 10 animals in a show. Indian Rhinoceros: Animal hygiene degree is 90.
Pretty sure you're talking about WII/PS2...If you're talking about Fish/Bugs: you mean the zoo animals, here are all the ones I can remember:Grizzly BearLionWild BoarEmperor Penguin- DEFINITELY not life-sizedAfrican ElephantAmerican BuffaloKing VultureDon't be surprised I'm actually using the species names... I am the animal person!!!
There are loads. Some of my personal favourites are: Animal Crossing Sims Animals Wild Horses Nintendogs Some others are: Animal Paradise Petz My Horse and Me Spore Creatures Pets Horsez /Dolphinz /catz /Dogz /Hamsterz Horse Life Zoo Tycoon for DS Purr Pals.
Dogz, catz, animal crossing (kind of coz there is animals in there), nintendogs, zoo vet....there are too many to name
They are called zoo animals.
All of them
There is a wide varity of animals at the Melbourne Zoo from tigers to all different types monkeys it would take all day to name them all.
All animals are at the bronx zoo god!!
No there all zoo animals trying to get back to the zoo. theres a lion,giraffe,hippo and a zebra.
Camels, giraffes, antelope, zebras and rhinos are all animals that one might find at a zoo and they all have hooves.
no not all of them just some types of animals
i go to zoo and i see all the jungle animals i see there a lion,tiger,monkey and all the animals i eat there chips and biscuits i have a lot of fun there
There are so many animals it's hard to tell you all of them!