the secret code is "youmammaissooofat,lasttimeshesawa90210wasonthebathroomscale." say that to any pet store shop keeper and you will receive a free rabbit
The secret code for the bunny is 1645154sorp.The secret code for the horse is 64mj452fxh27.
The Secret Code for the Littlest Pet Shop Online Dancing Dog is: APNQ-YSAL-LXRH-V4XC Type the dashes in too!!!!!!!
All the codes for those products are randomly generated.
in the puffle shop if you search you will find a note click on it and using the secret code crack it. this will give you the answer to the riddle.hope this helped, jellybean
it is higi76123jfhc
what is the bonus code of the littlest pet shop vips
i can't tell you coz then you'll know and so will everyone else! all you have to do is buy one! lol
no but you can have the account use:littlestpets1234 pass:12345678 do not change it!
the code for my cute panda is higu739vipspanda674 that's it tape it a littlest pets shop vips home and do it now! from:sally song
help me figure this out
No You cannot its just a demo code so they can be able to show you on television
You have to buy a VIP stuffed animal with the code on the collar.
i am staff of littlest pet shop and why do people want codes well the code are mypetshop324178ghgflowergirls34hgtyi zahyupeta vipgirl54932
yes their are what kind of cheat code are you looking for
i can give you one that is unused.It's 74HF7NP6D2XF!But hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11