Charitable, childish, calm, cool, collected, cranky, cold, crafty.
Personality traits that start with the letter c:cageycalculatingcallouscalmcandidcapablecarefreecaringcausticcharismaticcharmingchattycheapchildlikeclassyclevercluelessclumsycombativecompassionatecompetentconceitedconfidentconsideratecoolcourageouscourteouscowardlycoycrabbycrazycreativecruelcrudeculturedcuriouscynical
Some people are cagey, candid, cautious, cheap, clueless, clumsy, courageous, cowardly, creative or curious. They begin with the letter c.
Christ-like courteous cunning clever contemptuous caring curious careful crafty conscientious
Cinderella is a movie character. Her name begins with the letter c.
Personality traits that start with the letter c:cageycalculatingcallouscalmcandidcapablecarefreecaringcausticcharismaticcharmingchattycheapchildlikeclassyclevercluelessclumsycombativecompassionatecompetentconceitedconfidentconsideratecoolcourageouscourteouscowardlycoycrabbycrazycreativecruelcrudeculturedcuriouscynical
Some people are cagey, candid, cautious, cheap, clueless, clumsy, courageous, cowardly, creative or curious. They begin with the letter c.
Christ-like courteous cunning clever contemptuous caring curious careful crafty conscientious
Cagey, calculating, candid, capable, carefree, cautious, cheap, charming, childlike, clever, clueless, combative, compassionate, competent, courageous, courteous, cowardly, creative, cultured and curious are personality traits. They begin with the letter c.
A word to describe you starting with the letter c is cute.
Countdown and commencement are synonyms for starting. They begin with the letter c.
A synonym for "quote" starting with the letter C is "citation."
The Five Factor Personality Inventory for Children (FFPI-C) measures the personality traits of children based on the Five Factor Model, which includes extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. It assesses aspects of a child's personality such as behavior, emotions, and social interactions.
caring, very sensitive (cried a couple times in the Senate), stubborn, gentleman :)