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Zangoose is #335 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
First of all I don't know if I am interpreting what you mean correctly or not, you may be asking how many Pokémon can you catch in total the answer would be 18 boxes, 30 per box plus the 6 in your belt equals 546 total as people who answered before thought or you may mean how many different Pokémon can you catch in Pearl. With the release of Pearl and Diamond the grand total is 493 different Pokémon. You can catch most Pokémon in Pearl and Diamond, I don't know the exact number you can catch in Pearl but I will calculate the exact number some time but here is some information that might be of interest, the information may not be 100% complete or accurate but it's based on information I have gathered and as far as I know it is accurate and complete. Exclusive to Pokémon Pearl #079 - Slowpoke #080 - Slowbro #127 - Pinsir #199 - Slowking #200 - Misdreavus #228 - Houndour #229 - Houndoom #234 - Stantler #363 - Spheal #364 - Sealeo #365 - Walrein #371 - Bagon #372 - Shelgon #373 - Salamence #410 - Sheildon #411 - Bastiodon #429 - Mismagius #431 - Glameow #432 - Purugly #484 - Palkia Exclusive to Pokémon Diamond #086 - Seel #087 - Dewgong #123 - Scyther #198 - Murkrow #212 - Scizor #246 - Larvitar #247 - Pupitar #248 - Tyranitar #261 - Poochyena #262 - Mightyena #304 - Aron #305 - Lairon #306 - Aggron #352 - Kecleon #408 - Cranidos #409 - Rampardos #430 - Honchkrow #434 - Stunky #435 - Skuntank #483 - Dialga Exclusive to Pokémon Ranger #490 - Manaphy #489 - Phione (Offspring of Manaphy/Ditto so technically you need Manaphy to get a Phione) I think there are also Pokémon exclusive to other systems which is a real pain in the butt if the system is out of date. Pokémon GBA (Game Boy Advance) Extras Have the GBA cartridge in the Nintendo DS GBA slot while playing Pokémon Diamond or Pearl to find the following Pokémon. Pokémon Fire Red #10 - Caterpie @ Route 204 South #11 - Metapod @ Hakutai Forest #23 - Ekans @ Route 212 South #24 - Arbok @ Safari Zone #58 - Growlithe @ Route 201, 202 #239 - Elekid @ Route 204 South, Powerplant Pokémon Leaf Green #13 - Weedle @ Route 204 South #14 - Kakuna @ Hakutai Forest #27 - Sandshrew @ Lost Cave #28 - Sandslash @ Route 228 #37 - Vulpix @ Route 209 #240 - Magby @ Hard Mountain, Route 227 Pokémon Emerald #204 - Pineco @ Hakutai Forest, Route 203, 204, 229 #207 - Gligar @ Hard Mountain, Route 206, 207, 214, 215, 227 #213 - Shuckle @ Route 224 #216 - Teddiursa @ Route 211, Wisdom Lake #217 - Ursaring @ Wisdom Lake, Route 216, 217 Pokémon Ruby #273 - Seedot @ Hakutai Forest, Route 203, Route 204 #274 - Nuzleaf @ Route 229 #303 - Mawile @ Iron Island #335 - Zangoose @ Route 208 #338 - Solrock @ Thrust Lake, Thrust Lake Surroundings, Wisdom Lake, Aspiration Lake, Tengan Mountain, Departure Springs, Return Cave Pokémon Sapphire #270 - Lotad @ Route 203, 204, 205 North, 212 South #271 - Lombre @ Route 212 South, 229 #302 - Sableye @ Iron Island #336 - Seviper @ Route 208 #337 - Lunatone @ Thrust Lake, Thrust Lake Surroundings, Wisdom Lake, Aspiration Lake, Tengan Mountain, Departure Springs, Return Cave Any GBA Pokémon Version #93 - Haunter @ Forest Mansion #94 - Gengar @ Forest Mansion Room with eyes As far as I know the Pokémon below are unobtainable within Pokémon Pearl and Diamond because they are either starter or legendary Pokémon from other versions/consoles or are special event Pokémon and they can only be ontained through migration to Pal Park from GBA Pokémon Leaf Green, Fire Red, Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald or through trades. Unobtainable within Pokémon Pearl and Diamond. #001 - Bulbasaur #002 - Ivysaur #003 - Venusaur #004 - Charmander #005 - Charmeleon #006 - Charizard #007 - Squirtle #008 - Wartortle #009 - Blastoise #144 - Articuno #145 - Zapdos #146 - Moltres #150 - Mewtwo #151 - Mew #152 - Chikorita #153 - Bayleef #154 - Meganium #155 - Cyndaquil #156 - Quilava #157 - Typhlosion #158 - Totodile #159 - Croconaw #160 - Feraligatr #243 - Raikou #244 - Entei #245 - Suicune #249 - Lugia #250 - Ho-oh #251 - Celebi #252 - Treecko #253 - Grovyle #254 - Sceptile #255 - Torchic #256 - Combusken #257 - Blaziken #258 - Mudkip #259 - Marshtomp #260 - Swampert #377 - Regirock #378 - Regice #379 - Registeel #380 - Latias #381 - Latios #382 - Kyogre #383 - Groudon #384 - Rayquaza #385 - Jirachi #386 - Deoxys Hope this helps.
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GI-user ,1 ,The dungeon ,Naasty ,rt ,rt ,1 ,-800 ,-550 ,pa ,pa ,0 ,90 ,61.1 ,61.1 ,389 ,295 ,ca ,ca ,3 ,0 ,100 ,100 ,-600 ,-450 ?;SI-s0 ,sh ,0 ,0 ,-30 ,-10 ,und ,sh ,und ,und ,und ,und ,s8 ,sh ,2 ,0 ,400 ,61 ,s8 ,sh ,3 ,0 ,400 ,219 ,s8 ,sh ,4 ,0 ,401 ,377 ,s8 ,sh ,5 ,0 ,402 ,534 ,s1 ,sh ,9 ,0 ,115 ,319 ,s8 ,sh ,27 ,0 ,402 ,691 ,s8 ,sh ,28 ,180 ,403 ,838 ,s8 ,sh ,29 ,90 ,366 ,1136 ,s8 ,sh ,30 ,-90 ,210 ,1136 ,s8 ,sh ,31 ,90 ,52 ,1137 ,s4 ,sh ,41 ,0 ,521 ,846 ,s4 ,sh ,42 ,-180 ,601 ,688 ,s1 ,sh ,45 ,0 ,758 ,625 ,s8 ,sh ,47 ,0 ,790 ,1178 ,s8 ,sh ,48 ,0 ,708 ,1178 ,s3 ,sh ,49 ,0 ,589 ,1137 ,s5 ,sh ,50 ,0 ,466 ,1135 ,s8 ,sh ,51 ,0 ,731 ,820 ,s1 ,sh ,56 ,0 ,916 ,652 ,s3 ,sh ,61 ,0 ,1010 ,1046 ?;CI-car4 ,ca ,6 ,-90 ,329 ,252 ,car2 ,ca ,7 ,0 ,276 ,323 ,car3 ,ca ,8 ,-90 ,323 ,411 ,car4 ,ca ,40 ,0 ,158 ,1063 ,car2 ,ca ,43 ,0 ,614 ,1064 ,car1 ,ca ,44 ,-90 ,796 ,930 ,car2 ,ca ,53 ,-90 ,1202 ,702 ,car2 ,ca ,54 ,90 ,1190 ,671 ,car4 ,ca ,62 ,0 ,118 ,728 ?;TI-t4 ,tr ,26 ,0 ,110 ,473 ,t3 ,tr ,32 ,0 ,94 ,975 ,t4 ,tr ,33 ,0 ,125 ,838 ?;MI-movObj4 ,mo ,1 ,0 ,299 ,69 ,movObj4 ,mo ,10 ,0 ,113 ,313 ,movObj4 ,mo ,11 ,0 ,144 ,312 ,movObj4 ,mo ,12 ,0 ,124 ,289 ,movObj4 ,mo ,13 ,0 ,118 ,344 ,movObj4 ,mo ,14 ,0 ,83 ,314 ,movObj4 ,mo ,15 ,0 ,103 ,289 ,movObj4 ,mo ,16 ,0 ,141 ,331 ,movObj4 ,mo ,17 ,0 ,100 ,345 ,movObj4 ,mo ,18 ,0 ,155 ,308 ,movObj4 ,mo ,19 ,0 ,138 ,345 ,movObj4 ,mo ,20 ,0 ,120 ,358 ,movObj4 ,mo ,21 ,0 ,86 ,342 ,movObj4 ,mo ,22 ,0 ,137 ,282 ,movObj4 ,mo ,23 ,0 ,100 ,285 ,movObj4 ,mo ,24 ,0 ,153 ,335 ,movObj5 ,mo ,25 ,0 ,106 ,187 ,movObj4 ,mo ,34 ,0 ,87 ,608 ,movObj4 ,mo ,35 ,0 ,98 ,622 ,movObj4 ,mo ,36 ,0 ,85 ,625 ,movObj4 ,mo ,37 ,0 ,103 ,602 ,movObj4 ,mo ,38 ,0 ,82 ,592 ,movObj6 ,mo ,39 ,0 ,198 ,615 ,movObj3 ,mo ,46 ,0 ,786 ,732 ,movObj2 ,mo ,52 ,0 ,643 ,896 ,und ,mo ,und ,und ,und ,und ,movObj4 ,mo ,55 ,0 ,1194 ,960 ,movObj2 ,mo ,57 ,0 ,1042 ,612 ,movObj5 ,mo ,58 ,0 ,1111 ,1032 ,movObj6 ,mo ,59 ,0 ,1035 ,665 ,movObj1 ,mo ,60 ,0 ,1123 ,625 ,und ,mo ,und ,und ,und ,und ,movObj4 ,mo ,63 ,0 ,921 ,652 ,movObj4 ,mo ,64 ,0 ,917 ,632 ,movObj4 ,mo ,65 ,0 ,916 ,666 ,movObj4 ,mo ,66 ,0 ,897 ,682 ,movObj4 ,mo ,67 ,0 ,941 ,667 ,movObj4 ,mo ,68 ,0 ,908 ,682 ,movObj4 ,mo ,69 ,0 ,885 ,665 ,movObj4 ,mo ,70 ,0 ,881 ,647 ,movObj4 ,mo ,71 ,0 ,887 ,632 ,movObj4 ,mo ,72 ,0 ,902 ,620 ,movObj4 ,mo ,73 ,0 ,919 ,615 ,movObj4 ,mo ,74 ,0 ,935 ,621 ,movObj4 ,mo ,75 ,0 ,950 ,628 ,movObj4 ,mo ,76 ,0 ,953 ,647 ,movObj4 ,mo ,77 ,0 ,952 ,665 ,movObj4 ,mo ,78 ,0 ,936 ,685 ,movObj4 ,mo ,79 ,0 ,917 ,690 ?;NI-und ,no ,und ,und ,und ,und ,nc3 ,no ,0 ,145 ,285 ,122 ,nc5 ,no ,1 ,0 ,330 ,161 ,nc4 ,no ,2 ,0 ,190 ,1009 ,nc1 ,no ,3 ,55 ,297 ,628 ,nc1 ,no ,4 ,120 ,333 ,972 ,nc1 ,no ,5 ,70 ,297 ,794 ,nc0 ,no ,6 ,0 ,237 ,224 ,nc0 ,no ,7 ,0 ,238 ,415 ,nc0 ,no ,8 ,0 ,254 ,500 ,nc5 ,no ,9 ,0 ,350 ,495 ,nc4 ,no ,10 ,0 ,322 ,482 ,nc3 ,no ,11 ,-140 ,499 ,1010 ,nc3 ,no ,12 ,-145 ,599 ,1003 ,nc1 ,no ,13 ,125 ,699 ,1018 ,nc6 ,no ,14 ,0 ,587 ,1102 ,nc6 ,no ,15 ,-90 ,610 ,1026 ,nc0 ,no ,16 ,90 ,757 ,1042 ,nc5 ,no ,17 ,0 ,1150 ,840 ,nc0 ,no ,18 ,85 ,1099 ,839 ,nc1 ,no ,19 ,-165 ,906 ,886 ,nc3 ,no ,20 ,-100 ,984 ,855 ?;MA-mi ,1 ,2 ?;PI-pa ,1 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,0 ?;GI-user ,1 ,The dungeon ,Naasty ,rt ,rt ,1 ,-800 ,-550 ,pa ,pa ,0 ,90 ,61.1 ,61.1 ,389 ,295 ,ca ,ca ,3 ,0 ,100 ,100 ,-600 ,-450 <shapes_info><shape name=s0 ,sh ,0 ,0 ,-30 ,-10 ,<shape name=und ,sh ,und ,und ,und ,und ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,2 ,0 ,400 ,61 ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,3 ,0 ,400 ,219 ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,4 ,0 ,401 ,377 ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,5 ,0 ,402 ,534 ,<shape name=s1 ,sh ,9 ,0 ,115 ,319 ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,27 ,0 ,402 ,691 ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,28 ,180 ,403 ,838 ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,29 ,90 ,366 ,1136 ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,30 ,-90 ,210 ,1136 ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,31 ,90 ,52 ,1137 ,<shape name=s4 ,sh ,41 ,0 ,521 ,846 ,<shape name=s4 ,sh ,42 ,-180 ,601 ,688 ,<shape name=s1 ,sh ,45 ,0 ,758 ,625 ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,47 ,0 ,790 ,1178 ,<shape name=s8 ,sh ,48 ,0 ,708 ,1178 ,<shape name=s3 ,sh ,49 ,0 ,589 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,90 ,1190 ,671 ,car4 ,ca ,62 ,0 ,118 ,728 ?;TI-t4 ,tr ,26 ,0 ,110 ,473 ,t3 ,tr ,32 ,0 ,94 ,975 ,t4 ,tr ,33 ,0 ,125 ,838 ?;MI-movObj4 ,mo ,1 ,0 ,299 ,69 ,movObj4 ,mo ,10 ,0 ,113 ,313 ,movObj4 ,mo ,11 ,0 ,144 ,312 ,movObj4 ,mo ,12 ,0 ,124 ,289 ,movObj4 ,mo ,13 ,0 ,118 ,344 ,movObj4 ,mo ,14 ,0 ,83 ,314 ,movObj4 ,mo ,15 ,0 ,103 ,289 ,movObj4 ,mo ,16 ,0 ,141 ,331 ,movObj4 ,mo ,17 ,0 ,100 ,345 ,movObj4 ,mo ,18 ,0 ,155 ,308 ,movObj4 ,mo ,19 ,0 ,138 ,345 ,movObj4 ,mo ,20 ,0 ,120 ,358 ,movObj4 ,mo ,21 ,0 ,86 ,342 ,movObj4 ,mo ,22 ,0 ,137 ,282 ,movObj4 ,mo ,23 ,0 ,100 ,285 ,movObj4 ,mo ,24 ,0 ,153 ,335 ,movObj5 ,mo ,25 ,0 ,106 ,187 ,movObj4 ,mo ,34 ,0 ,87 ,608 ,movObj4 ,mo ,35 ,0 ,98 ,622 ,movObj4 ,mo ,36 ,0 ,85 ,625 ,movObj4 ,mo ,37 ,0 ,103 ,602 ,movObj4 ,mo ,38 ,0 ,82 ,592 ,movObj6 ,mo ,39 ,0 ,198 ,615 ,movObj3 ,mo ,46 ,0 ,786 ,732 ,movObj2 ,mo ,52 ,0 ,643 ,896 ,und ,mo ,und ,und ,und ,und ,movObj4 ,mo ,55 ,0 ,1194 ,960 ,movObj2 ,mo ,57 ,0 ,1042 ,612 ,movObj5 ,mo ,58 ,0 ,1111 ,1032 ,movObj6 ,mo ,59 ,0 ,1035 ,665 ,movObj1 ,mo ,60 ,0 ,1123 ,625 ,und ,mo ,und ,und ,und ,und ,movObj4 ,mo ,63 ,0 ,921 ,652 ,movObj4 ,mo ,64 ,0 ,917 ,632 ,movObj4 ,mo ,65 ,0 ,916 ,666 ,movObj4 ,mo ,66 ,0 ,897 ,682 ,movObj4 ,mo ,67 ,0 ,941 ,667 ,movObj4 ,mo ,68 ,0 ,908 ,682 ,movObj4 ,mo ,69 ,0 ,885 ,665 ,movObj4 ,mo ,70 ,0 ,881 ,647 ,movObj4 ,mo ,71 ,0 ,887 ,632 ,movObj4 ,mo ,72 ,0 ,902 ,620 ,movObj4 ,mo ,73 ,0 ,919 ,615 ,movObj4 ,mo ,74 ,0 ,935 ,621 ,movObj4 ,mo ,75 ,0 ,950 ,628 ,movObj4 ,mo ,76 ,0 ,953 ,647 ,movObj4 ,mo ,77 ,0 ,952 ,665 ,movObj4 ,mo ,78 ,0 ,936 ,685 ,movObj4 ,mo ,79 ,0 ,917 ,690 ?;NI-und ,no ,und ,und ,und ,und ,nc3 ,no ,0 ,145 ,285 ,122 ,nc5 ,no ,1 ,0 ,330 ,161 ,nc4 ,no ,2 ,0 ,190 ,1009 ,nc1 ,no ,3 ,55 ,297 ,628 ,nc1 ,no ,4 ,120 ,333 ,972 ,nc1 ,no ,5 ,70 ,297 ,794 ,nc0 ,no ,6 ,0 ,237 ,224 ,nc0 ,no ,7 ,0 ,238 ,415 ,nc0 ,no ,8 ,0 ,254 ,500 ,nc5 ,no ,9 ,0 ,350 ,495 ,nc4 ,no ,10 ,0 ,322 ,482 ,nc3 ,no ,11 ,-140 ,499 ,1010 ,nc3 ,no ,12 ,-145 ,599 ,1003 ,nc1 ,no ,13 ,125 ,699 ,1018 ,nc6 ,no ,14 ,0 ,587 ,1102 ,nc6 ,no ,15 ,-90 ,610 ,1026 ,nc0 ,no ,16 ,90 ,757 ,1042 ,nc5 ,no ,17 ,0 ,1150 ,840 ,nc0 ,no ,18 ,85 ,1099 ,839 ,nc1 ,no ,19 ,-165 ,906 ,886 ,nc3 ,no ,20 ,-100 ,984 ,855 ?;MA-mi ,1 ,2 ?;PI-pa ,1 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,0 ,pa ,1 ,pa ,0 ?;
409. Here they are:1 aal 2 aals 3 aas 4 ado 5 ados 6 ads 7 ajar 8 ala 9 alamo10 alamos 11 alar 12 alarm 13 alarms 14 alas 15 alastor 16 aldol 17 aldols 18 all 19 allod 20 allods 21 allot 22 allots 23 alls 24 alma 25 almas 26 almost 27 alms 28 als 29 also 30 alt 31 altar 32 altars 33 alto 34 altos 35 alts 36 ama 37 amas 38 amatol 39 amatols 40 amoral 41 amort 42 aorta 43 aortal 44 aortas 45 ardor 46 ardors 47 arm 48 armada 49 armadas 50 armload 51 armloads 52 armor 53 armors54 arms 55 aroma 56 aromas 57 arras 58 ars 59 art 60 artal 61 arts 62 asrama 63 astral 64 atlas 65 atma 66 atmas 67 atoll 68 atolls 69 atom 70 atoms 71 dal 72 dals 73 dam 74 damar 75 damars 76 dams 77 dart 78 darts 79 data 80 dato 81 datos 82 doat 83 doats 84 dol 85 doll 86 dollar 87 dollars 88 dolls 89 dolma 90 dolmas 91 dols 92 dolt 93 dolts 94 dom 95 domal 96 doms 97 dor 98 dorm 99 dorms 100 dorr 101 dorrs 102 dors 103 dorsa 104 dorsal 105 dos 106 dost 107 dot 108 dotal 109 dots 110 dram 111 drama 112 dramas 113 drams 114 drat 115 drats 116 droll 117 drolls 118 jam 119 jams 120 jar 121 jarl 122 jarldom 123 jarldoms 124 jarls 125 jars126 jato 127 jatos 128 jolt 129 jolts130 joram 131 jorams 132 jot 133 jota134 jotas 135 jots 136 lad 137 lads 138 lam 139 lama 140 lamas 141 lams 142 lar 143 lard 144 lards 145 lars 146 las 147 last 148 lat 149 lats 150 llama 151 llamas 152 load 153 loads 154 loadstar 155 loam 156 loams 157 loral158 lord 159 lords 160 lost 161 lot 162 lota 163 lotas 164 lots 165 maar 166 maars 167 mad 168 madras 169 madrasa170 mads 171 major 172 majors 173 malar174 malars 175 mall 176 mallard 177 mallards 178 malls 179 malt 180 maltol181 maltols 182 malts 183 mar 184 mara185 maras 186 marl 187 marls 188 mars189 marsala 190 mart 191 marts 192 mas193 masa 194 masala 195 mast 196 mat197 matador 198 matadors 199 mats 200 moa 201 moas 202 moat 203 moats 204 mod 205 modal 206 modals 207 mods 208 mojarra 209 mojarras 210 mol 211 mola212 molal 213 molar 214 molars 215 molas 216 mold 217 molds 218 moll 219 molls 220 mols 221 molt 222 molts 223 mor 224 mora 225 moral 226 morals 227 moras 228 mors 229 mort 230 mortal 231 mortals 232 mortar 233 mortars 234 morts 235 mos 236 most 237 mot 238 mots 239 oar 240 oars 241 oast 242 oat 243 oats 244 oda 245 odas 246 ods 247 old 248 olds 249 olla 250 ollas 251 omasa 252 oms 253 ora 254 orad 255 oral 256 orals 257 orra 258 ors 259 ort 260 orts 261 osar 262 rad 263 radar 264 radars 265 rads 266 raj 267 raja 268 rajas 269 ram 270 ramada 271 ramadas 272 ramal 273 ramrod274 ramrods 275 rams 276 ras 277 rat278 ratal 279 ratals 280 rato 281 ratos282 rats 283 road 284 roads 285 roam286 roams 287 roar 288 roars 289 roast290 rod 291 rods 292 roll 293 rolls 294 rom 295 roms 296 rostra 297 rostral 298 rot 299 rota 300 rotas 301 rotl 302 rotls 303 rots 304 sad 305 sal 306 salaam 307 salad 308 salal 309 sall 310 salol 311 salt 312 samara 313 sard 314 sardar 315 sarod 316 sartor 317 sat 318 satara 319 slalom 320 slam 321 slat 322 slojd 323 slot 324 small 325 smalt 326 smalto 327 smart 328 smolt 329 soar 330 sod 331 soda 332 soja 333 sol 334 sola 335 solar 336 sold 337 som 338 soma 339 somata 340 sora 341 sord 342 sort 343 sorta 344 sot 345 stall 346 star 347 stardom 348 stoa 349 stoma 350 stomal 351 storm 352 stroll 353 stroma354 stromal 355 tad 356 tads 357 taj358 tala 359 talar 360 talars 361 talas362 tall 363 talls 364 tam 365 tamal366 tamals 367 tamarao 368 tamaraos 369 tams 370 tao 371 taos 372 tar 373 tarama 374 taramas 375 tardo 376 taro377 taros 378 tars 379 tarsal 380 tas381 toad 382 toads 383 tod 384 tods 385 tola 386 tolar 387 tolars 388 tolas 389 told 390 toll 391 tolls 392 tom 393 toms 394 tor 395 tora 396 toras 397 torr 398 torrs 399 tors 400 trad 401 tram 402 tramroad 403 tramroads 404 trams 405 trod 406 troll 407 trolls 408 tsar 409 tsardom
the move modifer for pokempn platinum is:94000130 feff0000b2101d40 00000000da000000 00111d10d3000000 00000000d7000000 020f0c1cd2000000 00000000It works like the Wild Pokemon Modifier code. You type the number of the move from below (example: 338) into the calculator on your Pokétch, Press R, then go into the TM section of the bag and find TM17, it should be the move Frenzy Plant. I hope you guys like this one.Here is the list: Num Move 000 No Move 001 Pound 002 Karate Chop 003 DoubleSlap 004 Comet Punch 005 Mega Punch 006 Pay Day 007 Fire Punch 008 Ice Punch 009 ThunderPunch 010 Scratch 011 ViceGrip 012 Guillotine 013 Razor Wind 014 Swords Dance 015 Cut 016 Gust 017 Wing Attack 018 Whirlwind 019 Fly 020 Bind 021 Slam 022 Vine Whip 023 Stomp 024 Double Kick 025 Mega Kick 026 Jump Kick 027 Rolling Kick 028 Sand-Attack 029 Headbutt 030 Horn Attack 031 Fury Attack 032 Horn Drill 033 Tackle 034 Body Slam 035 Wrap 036 Take Down 037 Thrash 038 Double-Edge 039 Tail Whip 040 Poison Sting 041 Twineedle 042 Pin Missile 043 Leer 044 Bite 045 Growl 046 Roar 047 Sing 048 Supersonic 049 SonicBoom 050 Disable 051 Acid 052 Ember 053 Flamethrower 054 Mist 055 Water Gun 056 Hydro Pump 057 Surf 058 Ice Beam 059 Blizzard 060 Psybeam 061 BubbleBeam 063 Aurora Beam 063 Hyper Beam 064 Peck 065 Drill Peck 066 Submission 067 Low Kick 068 Counter 069 Seismic Toss 070 Strength 071 Absorb 072 Mega Drain 073 Leech Seed 074 Growth 075 Razor Leaf 076 SolarBeam 077 PoisonPowder 078 Stun Spore 079 Sleep Powder 080 Petal Dance 081 String Shot 082 Dragon Rage 083 Fire Spin 084 ThunderShock 085 Thunderbolt 086 Thunder Wave 087 Thunder 088 Rock Throw 089 Earthquake 090 Fissure 091 Dig 092 Toxic 093 Confusion 094 Psychic 095 Hypnosis 096 Meditate 097 Agility 098 Quick Attack 099 Rage 100 Teleport 101 Night Shade 102 Mimic 103 Screech 104 Double Team 105 Recover 106 Harden 107 Minimize 108 SmokeScreen 109 Confuse Ray 110 Withdraw 111 Defense Curl 112 Barrier 113 Light Screen 114 Haze 115 Reflect 116 Focus Energy 117 Bide 118 Metronome 119 Mirror Move 120 Selfdestruct 121 Egg Bomb 122 Lick 123 Smog 124 Sludge 125 Bone Club 126 Fire Blast 127 Waterfall 128 Clamp 129 Swift 130 Skull Bash 131 Spike Cannon 132 Constrict 133 Amnesia 134 Kinesis 135 Softboiled 136 Hi Jump Kick 137 Glare 138 Dream Eater 139 Poison Gas 140 Barrage 141 Leech Life 142 Lovely Kiss 143 Sky Attack 144 Transform 145 Bubble 146 Dizzy Punch 147 Spore 148 Flash 149 Psywave 150 Splash 151 Acid Armor 152 Crabhammer 153 Explosion 154 Fury Swipes 155 Bonemerang 156 Rest 157 Rock Slide 158 Hyper Fang 159 Sharpen 160 Conversion 161 Tri Attack 162 Super Fang 163 Slash 164 Substitute 165 Struggle 166 Sketch 167 Triple Kick 168 Thief 169 Spider Web 170 Mind Reader 171 Nightmare 172 Flame Wheel 173 Snore 174 Curse 175 Flail 176 Conversion 2 177 Aeroblast 178 Cotton Spore 179 Reversal 180 Spite 181 Powder Snow 182 Protect 183 Mach Punch 184 Scary Face 185 Faint Attack 186 Sweet Kiss 187 Belly Drum 188 Sludge Bomb 189 Mud-Slap 190 Octazooka 191 Spikes 192 Zap Cannon 193 Foresight 194 Destiny Bond 195 Perish Song 196 Icy Wind 197 Detect 198 Bone Rush 199 Lock-On 200 Outrage 201 Sandstorm 202 Giga Drain 203 Endure 204 Charm 205 Rollout 206 False Swipe 207 Swagger 208 Milk Drink 209 Spark 210 Fury Cutter 211 Steel Wing 212 Mean Look 213 Attract 214 Sleep Talk 215 Heal Bell 216 Return 217 Present 218 Frustration 219 Safeguard 220 Pain Split 221 Sacred Fire 222 Magnitude 223 DynamicPunch 224 Megahorn 225 DragonBreath 226 Baton Pass 227 Encore 228 Pursuit 229 Rapid Spin 230 Sweet Scent 231 Iron Tail 232 Metal Claw 233 Vital Throw 234 Morning Sun 235 Synthesis 236 Moonlight 237 Hidden Power 238 Cross Chop 239 Twister 240 Rain Dance 241 Sunny Day 242 Crunch 243 Mirror Coat 244 Psych Up 245 ExtremeSpeed 246 AncientPower 247 Shadow Ball 248 Future Sight 249 Rock Smash 250 Whirlpool 251 Beat Up 252 Fake Out 253 Uproar 254 Stockpile 255 Spit Up 256 Swallow 257 Heat Wave 258 Hail 259 Torment 260 Flatter 261 Will-O-Wisp 262 Memento 263 Facade 264 Focus Punch 265 SmellingSalt 266 Follow Me 267 Nature Power 268 Charge 269 Taunt 270 Helping Hand 271 Trick 272 Role Play 273 Wish 274 Assist 275 Ingrain 276 Superpower 277 Magic Coat 278 Recycle 279 Revenge 280 Brick Break 281 Yawn 282 Knock Off 283 Endeavor 284 Eruption 285 Skill Swap 286 Imprison 287 Refresh 288 Grudge 289 Snatch 290 Secret Power 291 Dive 292 Arm Thrust 293 Camouflage 294 Tail Glow 295 Luster Purge 296 Mist Ball 297 FeatherDance 298 Teeter Dance 299 Blaze Kick 300 Mud Sport 301 Ice Ball 302 Needle Arm 303 Slack Off 304 Hyper Voice 305 Poison Fang 306 Crush Claw 307 Blast Burn 308 Hydro Cannon 309 Meteor Mash 310 Astonish 311 Weather Ball 312 Aromatherapy 313 Fake Tears 314 Air Cutter 315 Overheat 316 Odor Sleuth 317 Rock Tomb 318 Silver Wind 319 Metal Sound 320 GrassWhistle 321 Tickle 322 Cosmic Power 323 Water Spout 324 Signal Beam 325 Shadow Punch 326 Extrasensory 327 Sky Uppercut 328 Sand Tomb 329 Sheer Cold 330 Muddy Water 331 Bullet Seed 332 Aerial Ace 333 Icicle Spear 334 Iron Defense 335 Block 336 Howl 337 Dragon Claw 338 Frenzy Plant 339 Bulk Up 340 Bounce 341 Mud Shot 342 Poison Tail 343 Covet 344 Volt Tackle 345 Magical Leaf 346 Water Sport 347 Calm Mind 348 Leaf Blade 349 Dragon Dance 350 Rock Blast 351 Shock Wave 352 Water Pulse 353 Doom Desire 354 Psycho Boost 355 Roost 356 Gravity 357 Miracle Eye 358 Wake-Up Slap 359 Hammer Arm 360 Gyro Ball 361 Healing Wish 362 Brine 363 Natural Gift 364 Feint 365 Pluck 366 Tailwind 367 Acupressure 368 Metal Burst 369 U-turn 370 Close Combat 371 Payback 372 Assurance 373 Embargo 374 Fling 375 Psycho Shift 376 Trump Card 377 Heal Block 378 Wring Out 379 Power Trick 380 Gastro Acid 381 Lucky Chant 382 Me First 383 Copycat 384 Power Swap 385 Guard Swap 386 Punishment 387 Last Resort 388 Worry Seed 389 Sucker Punch 390 Toxic Spikes 391 Heart Swap 392 Aqua Ring 393 Magnet Rise 394 Flare Blitz 395 Force Palm 396 Aura Sphere 397 Rock Polish 398 Poison Jab 399 Dark Pulse 400 Night Slash 401 Aqua Tail 402 Seed Bomb 403 Air Slash 404 X-Scissor 405 Bug Buzz 406 Dragon Pulse 407 Dragon Rush 408 Power Gem 409 Drain Punch 410 Vacuum Wave 411 Focus Blast 412 Energy Ball 413 Brave Bird 414 Earth Power 415 Switcheroo 416 Giga Impact 417 Nasty Plot 418 Bullet Punch 419 Avalanche 420 Ice Shard 421 Shadow Claw 422 Thunder Fang 423 Ice Fang 424 Fire Fang 425 Shadow Sneak 426 Mud Bomb 427 Psycho Cut 428 Zen Headbutt 429 Mirror Shot 430 Flash Cannon 431 Rock Climb 432 Defog 433 Trick Room 434 Draco Meteor 435 Discharge 436 Lava Plume 437 Leaf Storm 438 Power Whip 439 Rock Wrecker 440 Cross Poison 441 Gunk Shot 442 Iron Head 443 Magnet Bomb 444 Stone Edge 445 Captivate 446 Stealth Rock 447 Grass Knot 448 Chatter 449 Judgment 450 Bug Bite 451 Charge Beam 452 Wood Hammer 453 Aqua Jet 454 Attack Order 455 Defend Order 456 Heal Order 457 Head Smash 458 Double Hit 459 Roar of Time 460 Spacial Rend 461 Lunar Dance 462 Crush Grip 463 Magma Storm 464 Dark Void 465 Seed Flare 466 Ominous Wind 467 Shadow Force
335 is an integer but it can be expressed as 335/1.
The factors of 335 are: 1 5 67 335
4000-335 = 3665
20% of 335 = 20*335/100 = 67
That information is private. But, you can call his fan number and leave a message: (804) 335-0051 Follow me @Delamuzica
335/1, possibly!
.35 x 335 = 117.25. Therefore, 35% of 335 is 117.25.
335-(40÷100×335)=$201 The equation inside the brackets is done first, giving 40% of 335. Then the result is subtracted from 335, giving the answer $201.
The percentage of 21 in 335 can be calculated by dividing 21 by 335 and then multiplying by 100. Therefore, 21 is approximately 6.27% of 335.