If your trying to download Sims 2 Open for Business, the password (you must have bought the DVD.) is on the back of the manual. I can't tell you the password, because all of the passwords are different. I hope this helped!
You have to start your own business
Obviously its the installation code you cant get it online you would have to try and find a booklet and look at the back cover. :)
the sims,the sims 2,the sims bustin out,the sims2 castaway,the sims2 pets,the sims 2 nightlife,the sims 2 open for business[there may be more]
There is only one disk.
sims is just one package but sim double deluxe comes with night life and open for business and sims 2 =)
open for business
Of course sims can get married in the sims 2 open for buisness Yes, sims can get married in the sims 2 open for buisness
You have to have 'The Sims 2 Open for Business' Expansion Pack
probably open for business
sorry, you can't.
You can have a baby in all the sims 2 games ;)
Yes, In Sims 2 Open For Business. You click a phone or a computer and click business, I think
If u have Best of Business for the Sims 2, you can only open a restaraunt on a community lot.
you need sims 2 open for business to get an elevator.