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Not possible. Nor is it possible to play an Xbox 360 game on a PC. To emulate the type of processing power of a 360 on a PC would require an intensive amount of programming and an insane amount of graphics processing power. The programming is entirely different.

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Q: PC games on xbox 360
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Can PC games play on the Xbox 360?

No, the xbox 360 cannot play games that were developed for pc, and vice versa.

Is there an add on to play PC games on an Xbox 360?

No. There is no way to play PC games on a Xbox.

Do PC games work on the xbox 360?


When you buy an Xbox 360 controller for Windows PC I am assuming you buy Xbox games and put them in your PC. Am I right or do you need an Xbox 360?

you need an xbox

Is it true that you can play xbox 360 games on the PC?


How many games support the Xbox 360 controller as a dedicated PC controller?

Currently, 74 games support the Xbox 360 controller as a dedicated PC controller.

Can you play PC games on xbox 360?

you cannot physically insert PC games into the xbox 360 and play them. but most PC games are made for the Xbox too, (same company, go figure...) so u have to buy a second copy for the xbox if u want to play it there.

Do games for windows work on xbox 360?

No, becuase Xbox 360 uses a different emulator which is not made for pc

Which is better PC or Xbox 360?

Xbox 360 is better for gaming depending on the types of games you want to play!

What is better Xbox 360 or PC?

noooo!!!!! definitely the PC is better for graphics and games i think xbox 360(: nooooo!! person that said the 1st one pc is worst xbox 360 is better even the xbox 260 is better i wished the made it again but Xbox is better Xbox 360 because it does not freeze that much

Is the xbox 360 kinect camera motion sensor bar what you need to play kinect games on your xbox 360 arcade?

Well, yes. There are two kinect systems, one is a Kinect PC and the other is a Kinect 360. If you want to use your kinect with your xbox get the 360 one. If you have games and mods on your pc you can get the kinect pc but it is considerably more than the kinect 360.

Is the xbox 360 controler good for PC games?

The wired one are.