Famous and illustrious are words that mean star. Other synonyms include dominant and major.
Hold or holding
emotionfeelingBy the way, these are the only possibilities that I think mean mood!
Diablo in other words means evil ,or something dominate.
Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, and the moon. she has vowed to stay a maiden forever, and has a group of huntresses that follow her. In other words, no, she isn't really a "mean" goddess.
They are banned forever. In other words, they can't go on club penguin again for the rest of they re life.
she wants to be with you forever/ your relationship is forever
"Arisam" is the definition of "Me and You together forever" was said by one of the recent cutest couple ever. To symbolize their love towards each other forever.
There are no other words that mean 'fell' in the sense of having fallen.
other word tnat mean multiplication
Yin Yang perfect match
Libre para siempre (free forever)