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you go around to different rooms in kinzville park and if u see trash laying on the ground click onto it then when you done you go click on the trash cans or recycling cans around the park (there are two each) then it would add to your collocation to help kinzville park

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Q: On webkinz how do you find trash in the kinzvill park?
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How do you pick up trash and find trash on webkinz?

k to pick up trash just go to kinzville park and look.

Why can't you pick up trash in kinzville park on webkinz?

It wasn't programmed that way.

How do you pick up trash in Webkinz?

you use a mouse and go to the park place to pick up trash then u can get money too.

How long does it take for the trash to reappear in the kinzville park on webkinz?

Trash appears in the park at about 5 min intervals (:05, :10, :15, etc)

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What is kinzville park?

On Webkinz you click on the kinzville park icon and it will take you to a park but it takes awhile to load. In the park you can play on the play ground and play some games by the pond. And finally every 3-7 you can pick up trash and earn prizes

Where is the garbage in Kinzville Park in Webkinz?

Every couple of minutes, trash appears. You walk up to it and you pick it up. When you are done, there is a Recycling Stand. You drag things in there that go into their proper places.

When will the kinzville park be opened on webkinz?

it will be open when there is less than 30 webkinz in the park you have to wait until someone leaves

What is the kinzville park in Webkinz?

The kinzville park is a place in webkinz wold you can visit and chat with your friends. Now they have made it so you can pick up trash and earn "Green Points" for prizes. Visit my website at for a list of all the prizes under room ideas, hinta and tips. This website treally rocks!!! It has all the updated news and pets.

How do you activate adventure park in webkinz world?

You must buy a Webkinz that is considered an Adventure Park Pet. You have adopted them [b]after[/b] they were declared adventure park pets.

Where do you find Sera the mermaid in adventer park in webkinz?

In the floating doc. Salley Cat stands right in front of it!