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It is possible to break the ice-burg but you need alot of people there!

From kittycat6983

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Q: On clubpenguin is it possible to break the ice berg?
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Are there islands on clubpenguin?

no im not sure if the ice berg counts but ........ no yea no

How do you get a golden puffle on clubpenguin?

u have to tip the ice berg over

How do you tip the ice berg in clubpenguin?

You can never tip the iceberg. And I mean NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In clubpenguin does the iceburge ever tip?

No, the ice berg doesn't tip. It is just a myth.

Can you tip the ice berg on clubpenguin?

you need a lot of people.but if you are lucky you might tip it

I have heard people say on clubpenguin that the ice berg will tip will it?

The Ice berg will maybe one day tip but not from the parties that you normally find at the Iceberg that include penguins trying to tip over it.

Where is the ice berg o clubpenguin?

on the map, the topright corner has a picture of what looks like a pile of snow. click on that

On clubpenguin does the iceberg really tip?

Yes, if you have a lot of penguins on the very top of the ice berg it will tip. But sometimes you get banned if you were on the ice berg when it tipped. Most of the time, you get 1,000,000 coins. Hope that's helpful

How to tip the ice berg on clubpenguin?

So far, nobody has yet managed to tip the iceberg, but who knows what the future holds?!

How did the metal break on the Titanic?

It got ripped by the ice berg it hit

How do you go to the ice berg in clubpenguin?

First, you open your map. Then, in the top right corner you will see it in the water by itself. Hope this helps!

Is there going to be a new room on clubpenguin?

yes there is 1 on the ice berg on water party There is a blank screen in the HQ and you can only see it if you have the clubpenguin DS game because in the wardrobe there is a room in the HQ