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As we all know, Aunt Arctic is the newspaper writer of club penguin. Logically, she'll be a very busy person. But sometimes she takes time out to come on Club Penguin. However, even when she is online she is very busy interviewing people and taking reports for her newspaper. So, she would always be moving around room to room and server to server. So its almost impossible to tell you in one answer where she is, because by the time someone might have posted the answer to such a question, she might have already moved! So the best way to find Aunt Arctic is check crowded servers in rooms she could be when she is online.

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Q: On club penguin what server is aunt arctic on?
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What is the best way to make coins in club penguin?

eat out aunt arctic.

Where do find Aunt arctic on Club Penguin?

Aunt Arctic waddles around club penguin usually during the Penguin Play Awards, Anniversary Party, and the Holiday Party. She changes servers every 15 - 25 minutes. It depends on the party of which rooms Aunt Arctic visits. The best way to find the mascot is to do server hopping with a few friends. Never trust a tracker for your work. Unless you keep staring at it all day, you won't be able to find the mascot.

Where is Aunt Arctic?

Aunt Arctic is busy this time of year. This is the beginning of a new year for Club Penguin! She is busy writing articles for Club Penguin and hardly on Club Penguin (playing, not typing up articles) so you will be very lucky to see her! So she will be somewhere at the stage (normally backstage) on any server round about only 2-7 hours a day! until the ppa (Penguin Play Awards) finishes. But soon it'll finish not right now :~) anymore questions on finding aunt arctic go to Straw000's trackers or e-mail me at right_now_she_is_offline

Is aunt arctic club penguin the director of the PSA?

I say yes because when you type aunt arctic is the your going to see director, and if you put your mouse on aunt arctic in the news paper, she will be wearing spy glasses.

Where is Aunt Arctic on Club Penguin?

You can see an Aunt Arctic tracker in a cheat site.Aunt Artic does not stay in one place for very long so I suggest you use Aunt Artic tracker

Related questions

Is aunt arctic a member or a non member on club penguin?

aunt arctic is a member on club penguin

Where is aunt arctic on club penguin elite penguin force?

Aunt Arctic is at the Lighthouse Beacon.

Where is aunt arctic puffles on Club Penguin?

it is some where on club penguin in aunt arctics igloo

Where is aunt arctic in club penguin epf?

Aunt Arctic is the leader of the EPF.

Who is aunt arctic in club penguin?

Aunt Arctic is the woman who writes the newsletter on clubpenguin

Who rights the Club Penguin times?

Aunt Arctic writes the Club penguin times! The person who contols Aunt Arctic would be the person who writes the club penguin times ;) Hope this helps!

What is aunt arctic name on club penguin?

it is the same aunt artic

What is aunt arctic's password on club penguin 2011 June?

its modorator or aunt arctic puffles

On Club Penguin what server is Aunt Arctic?

She could be on any server , but it might be full when you actually figure it out . She switches every 15 minutes so you have to be fast .

Is rory the director on Club Penguin?

no Aunt Arctic is

How do you talk to aunt arctic in club penguin?

you don't

How do you find Aunt Arctic on Club penguin?

On the newspaper