

Best Answer

u can only get gifts from friends or ur furry friends that work w/ webkinz

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Q: On Webkinz how do you get gifts from mrs birdy?
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Does Mrs Birdy kill Webkinz?

Of course not! It's a CHILDREN'S game!

How do you kill your webkinz?

You can't kill Webkinz. It's a mean rumor. No one can kill Webkinz, not you or Ms. Birdy or Dr. Quack. Your account can expire if you don't adopt a Webkinz each year, but then you just can't access everything, and nothing dies.

What is webkinz a ganz website?

Webkinz is a great, fun website for kids. I love it, you need to adopt a Webkinz to play on the Wewbsite. Here's how: Buy a Webkinz or LilKinz plush toy. Go to the Webkinz website Click New Member if you're new, If you already have a Webkinz click Log In NEW MEMBER: Choose your Country And do all the things Miss Birdy tells you to. Webkinz is AWESOME! I love it!

Where is Ms Birdy in the webkinz clubhouse?

i found her in the girls rule room 1 i got the mistle toe plant! try santakinz room 20 at 10:55 a.m. hope this helps!

What is the Webkinz killer?

First, to clarify, the "Webkinz Killer" is a rumor. There is no such thing in Webkinz World. Webkinz pets cannot die and there is no such malware on Webkinz accounts.That being said, these are some of the different reports. One rumor around was that in houses, a black, red, or yellow box appears. Supposedly, if you click on the black box or red box a evil neopet comes out and attacks your pets. If you click on the yellow one you lose all your possessions and kinzcash.Another is that there is a killer bear roaming around webkinz world. They say when you log on it may have attacked your pets.Another very common one is that when you go to see Dr. Quack or Ms. Birdy, they appear with red eyes and come after your pets with some varied weapon.All these tales and others of a Webkinz Killer are false. Ganz itself denied it.

Related questions

Does Mrs Birdy kill Webkinz?

Of course not! It's a CHILDREN'S game!

How do you enter a webkinz code?

lisin buddy you cant mrs. birdy said not to use your tag again dummy

Can you adopt a webkinz from an account?

OK, Yes. Go to the adoption center on your account, and click adopt. Listen to Mrs. Birdy

How do you re enter a webkinz code?

lisin buddy you cant mrs. birdy said not to use your tag again dummy

Who is Mrs Birdy?

Mrs Birdy is a fictional character on Webkins.

Where is msbirdy on Webkinz?

Ms. Birdy is at the Adoption Center

Can msbirdy kill your Webkinz?

Of course not! Mrs. Birdy is supposed to be nice. This is a childrens website 1 Thats a stupid cruel rumor. I presonally know the person who started it!

What is the adoption centers host name on webkinz?

Ms. Birdy

In Webkinz Where do you find Ms Birdy?

u go to Adoption Center

Are all webkinz going to die by Dr Quack?

I do not think so. Because I've never seen the killer around. So I'm not going to believe that rumor about Dr.quack, and Mrs. Birdy.

How do you get extra bonus gifts on webkinz?

You get extra gifts on Webkinz by adopting more and more pets.Every 5 pets you adopt you get your choice of a super bed.That is how you get extra bonus gifts on Webkinz.

What are the rumors in webkinz world?

there is a rumor of miss birdy hurting pets, its a lie