No not every pokemon. You can't catch the starter Pokemon and many of the rare pokemon, you have to trade with Diamond. sorry ...
All if you have a gameshark
NO,you will have to trade it to evolve it.
The only other way to catch it is to cheat.
In Diamond & Pearl? Impossible without migrating, trading, or Action Replaying.
You can't catch Mew with cheating except in Pokémon Eemerald but that's with a special event which is no longer possible however you can catch Mew in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl via cheating device on Action Replay however there is not official way to catch Mew without cheating except in the first generation (only in Red and Blue) you could do a series of walking places and pressing buttons which was a glitch in the game's programming.
Without trading or cheating, you can't. It's a Pearl exclusive.
No, you cannot catch a mew in Pokemon Platinum without cheating.
ummmm alot. Over 100, and then theres sapphire trading aswell....
you cant
you can't. without cheating. You need to evolve a scyther by trading it while holding a metal coat.
Without trading, cheating, or Nintendo events, you can get Dialga, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit, Heatran, Giratina, and Cresselia.
Latios, groudon, Rayquaza, Regice, regirock, registeel, they are the legendaries you catch int he game without cheating or trading
The only way without cheating is to either get Pokemon yellow, which allows you to catch them all like you normally would without cheating, or I am afraid that you have to get them from trading with other people.
You can't catch Lugia in Pokemon Diamond. You can only get it through trading or cheating.
It is not possible to catch all Pokemon on one game, however, you can obtain all of them by trading and cheating.
You have to catch all Pokemon (the ones you can't catch TRADE)
You cant without cheating