its rare in fire red but here is the location of this pokemon: Pokémon Mansion, Celadon City
You can find grimer on route 17 in Pokemon heartgold.route 16,route 17,route18,Celadon city and the safari zone.Good luck! :)
keep catching grimer when you are done an old man gives you a 10 rare candies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Celadon City has the best pokemart.
The roof off the celadon city department store
Which game? Grimer > lvl 38 > Muk In Firered and Leafgreen you can find them in Celadon City by fishing, but that is pretty rare, and the Pokemon Mansion eveywhere.
Gary does not appear in Celadon City.
Celadon city
no youcrackhead
Obviously it's in Celadon City.
Its directly west from saffron city.
its rare in fire red but here is the location of this pokemon: Pokémon Mansion, Celadon City
You can find grimer on route 17 in Pokemon heartgold.route 16,route 17,route18,Celadon city and the safari zone.Good luck! :)
They appear on the water Pokemon such as Grimer, Koffing, Magikarp, And Goldeen.
Its on the Route west of Celadon city and east of Vermilion city.
Celadon city.
Find it on the Route east of Celadon City.