constant, over and over...
Biennial means "occurring every two years," OR "lasting for two years." The word biannual can also mean "occurring every two years," although its most common meaning is "occurring twice a year."
It is biennial.
Recycle is a word that means to use again.
constant, over and over...
The word 'again' is an adverb which is used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb as something occurring or doing something that has occurred or been done previously.
The same as their naturally-occurring relatives... water !
The word occurring has three syllables. (Oc-curr-ing)
The spelling (from the verb to recur) is recurring, meaning occurring again, usually at intervals.(The other possibility is recording, making a record.)
The phrase "what's occurring" is common in Wales.It's just occurring to me that you are a bit strange.
Pythons are not naturally occurring in Colorado. But there are quite a few pet constrictors there.
First you have to go to the kennel and then click on train you pet at the top of your DS screen. Then when it comes up with a word you have to say that word to your pet and sometimes after you have said the word it either comes up with try again, nearly there or well done if you get try again you have to keep trying until you do it. If it comes up with nearly there you have to keep trying until you get well done. But if it comes up with well done you've done it you can move on to the the next word and that is the same with the shapes on one of the other categorises when you go back once. That is my answer.
The English word pet is translated into Spanish as mascota.
petrol low metre lol