Rabbit has 2 vowels, "a" and "i".
every word has vowels.
There are 3 vowels in the word 'idea'.
4 (y is a vowels in this word.
"The breastwork of his armor bore the family crest"
The number in vowels the "Immediately" is 5. AEIOU are all vowels.
There are two vowels in the word 'eye'.
what is the ratio of the numbers vowels to the number of consonants in the english alphabet
Oh, dude, that's a long word! Let me count... A, I, E, A, I, A, I, I, A... like, whoa, that's a lot of vowels! So, like, there are nine vowels in "antidisestablishmentarianism." Good luck fitting that on a Scrabble board!
There are two vowels in the word "rapid" - A and I.
It is 1 : 1
Rabbit has 2 vowels, "a" and "i".
every word has vowels.