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Athens is the capital city.

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Q: Nsateh is an anagram of which capital city?
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Which capital city is an anagram for the word more?

The capital city is Rome.

What is abcehrstu unscrambled into a capital city?

The anagram is Bucharest, capital of Romania.

What is the word obtained after unscrambling the word ahkalCOoitym?

The anagram is two words: Oklahoma City, the capital of Oklahoma.

Which country has a capital that start with a?

Abuja is the capital city in Nigeria. Accra is the capital city in Ghana. Addis Ababa is the capital city in Ethiopia. Algiers is the capital city in Algeria. Amman is the capital city in Jordan. Amsterdam is the capital city in Netherlands. Ankara is the capital city in Turkey. Antananarivo is the capital city in Madagascar. Apia is the capital city in Samoa. Ashgabat is the capital city in Turkmenistan. Astana is the capital city in Kazakhstan. Asuncion is the capital city in Paraguay. Athens is the capital city in Greece.

Which country capitals begin with a b?

Baghdad is the capital city in Iraq. Bamako is the capital city in Maui. Bangkok is the capital city in Thailand. Bangui is the capital city in Central African Republic. Beijing is the capital city in China. Beirut is the capital city in Lebanon. Belgrade is the capital city in Serbia. Berlin is the capital city in Germany. Bern is the capital city in Switzerland. Bogota is the capital city in Columbia. Brasilia is the capital city in Brazil. Brussels is the capital city in Belgium. Bucharest is the capital city in Romania. Budapest is the capital city in Hungary. Bujumbura is the capital city in Burundi. Buenos Aires is the capital city in Argentina.